April 16, 2018 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
Call to Order
1. Roll Call:
Mike Holden___ Michelle Hebner___ Toni Korpi___ Heather McBride___ Terry Murray___ Ted Saxton___ Roxanne Skogstad-Ditsch___ Kevin Grover___ Ella Bahr-Jefferis___ |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Agenda
Approve Agenda as presented. Moved by _____; seconded by_____. Motion carried / failed.
Open Forum
1. Public Open Forum
1.a. Josh Koenig, Baseball Boosters, grant from MN Twins Fields for Kids.
1.b. Student Council: Academic Excellence Award
2. Presentation of March Elk's Students of the Month: Alex Belanger and Brittany Foss
3. Presentation of April Elk's Students of the Month: John Cowman and Kiana Kittelson
4. Presentation of May Elk's Students of the Month: Ben Keeney and Adriana Christianson
Consent Agenda
Approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Moved by _____; seconded by _____. Motion carried / failed.
1. Approve past meeting minutes for the Regular School Board Meeting of March 19, 2018.
2. Approve current accounts payable due in amount of $454,400.40
3. Approve payroll in amount of $601,273.25 for pay periods March 19, 2018 to April 13, 2018.
4. Approve hire of Sarah Peterson as Assistant Girls and Boys Golf Coach for the 2017-2018 season.
5. Approve hire of the following college summer student workers:
1) Ben Everson
2) Alexis Erickson 3) McKenna Holt 4) Jenna Sullivan |
6. Acknowledge Aleisha Hendrickson as volunteer track coach for the 2017-2018 season.
7. Accept letter of resignation due to retirement from Donna Baron effective May 30, 2018.
8. Approve facility assessment service agreement with Kraus-Anderson for $47,263.00.
9. Approve quotation and proposal contract from Becker Arena for arena board system at total cost of $154,009.04 including option #1.
10. Approve purchase of Mitel 250 phone systems and PRI digital voice service from Frontier for total cost $44,915.12.
11. Approve the following purchases as recommended:
1) 2018 Toro Industrial Mower at cost of $18,600.
2) 2018 Chrysler Pacifica L at cost of $27,185. 3) Bleachers for pool from Seating and Athletic Facility Enterprises at cost of $70,415. |
12. Approve Interquest Detection Canines service agreement for fiscal year 2018-2019.
13. Approve request from City of Ranier for hockey boards being disposed of from Bronco Arena.
14. Approve Kootasca Head Start Collaborative Services Agreement.
15. Approve amended FHS Sections for 2018-2019.
Action Items
1. Resolution Acceptance of Gifts and Donations. Moved by ___, seconded ___. Motion carried / failed
2. Approve request from Josh Koenig for two days unpaid leave due to RRCC coaching position. Moved by __, seconded by __. Motion carried / failed.
3. Approve a two year Coop Agreement for Girls Hockey starting the 2018-2019 season with Lake of the Woods and Rainy River (Districts). Moved by ___, seconded ___. Motion carried / failed.
4. Set special meeting to approve bid for Bronco Arena and approve Technology purchase proposal for April 23rd at 5:00 pm. Moved by __, seconded by __. Motion carried / failed.
5. Resolution relating to non-renewal of the teaching contract of Tylyn Nault, a probationary teacher, due to staff reductions. Moved by __, seconded by __. Motion carried / failed.
6. Resolution proposing to place Tamara Koenig on an Unrequested Leave of Absence for .364 FTE. Moved by __, seconded by __. Motion carried / failed.
7. Resolution proposing to place Tom Vollom on an Unrequested Leave of Absence for .091 FTE. Moved by __, seconded by __. Motion carried / failed.
8. Resolution relating to non-renewal of the teaching contract of Anne Sullivan, a probationary teacher, due to staff reductions. Moved by __, seconded by __. Motion carried / failed.
9. Resolution relating to non-renewal of the teaching contract of Ariana Cipriano, a probationary teacher, due to staff reductions. Moved by __, seconded by __. Motion carried / failed.
10. Resolution relating to non-renewal of the teaching contract of Michele McDonald, a probationary teacher, due to staff reductions. Motion carried / failed.
11. Hire Michele McDonald as Special Education Teacher for the 2018-2019 school year at a .909 FTE. Motion by __, seconded by __. Motion carried / failed.
Administrative Reports
1. Melissa Tate, Elementary Principal
2. Tim Everson, Secondary Principal
3. Kevin Grover, Superintendent
4. Ella Bahr-Jefferis, Student Representative
5. Committee Reports
1. Motion by ___ then seconded by ___ to adjourn the meeting at ____. Motion carried / failed.