June 28, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Hearing of Delegations
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
VI.A.1. Regular Board Meeting of May 24, 2017
VI.B. Recommended Employment/Resignations/Contract Adjustments
VI.C. Treasurer's Report - General/Other Fund Bills
VI.D. Balance Sheet
VI.E. Budget Transfers
VI.F. Grant Application(s)/Budget(s) Approval
VI.G. Fund Raising Requests
VI.H. Gift/Bequests
VI.H.1. D.C. Everest Multi-age Playground
VI.H.1.a. McIntyre Donation
VI.H.1.b. Trautmann Donation
VI.H.1.c. Wolf Donation
VI.H.1.d. Acton Academy Wausau, Inc. Donation
VII. Reports/Considerations
VII.A. WASB Legislative Network Member
VII.B. CESA Representative
VII.C. Student Representative
VIII. Superintendent
VIII.A. WI RTI Center & DPI New Recognized Schools Program
VIII.B. AASA Trip to Washington, D.C., in July
VIII.C. ESSA Overview
VIII.D. Administrative Changes
IX. Unfinished Business
IX.A. Board Goals
X. New Business
X.A. Action Items
X.A.1. Year End Budget Funds
X.A.2. Ten Year Capital Plan
X.A.3. Nexus Performance Contract
X.A.4. Revenue Limit Exemption for Energy Efficiencies (Act 32)
X.A.5. DPI Food Service Contract and Meal Pricing
X.A.6. Cooperative Food Purchasing Resolution for 2017-2018
X.A.7. Liability, Property, and Workers Compensation Insurance
X.A.8. First Reading of Policy Revisions
X.A.8.a. Student Fees
X.A.8.b. Food Service
X.B. Informational Items
XI. Petitions and Communications
XI.A. Thank You for Recognition
XI.A.1. Barb Lawrence Thank You for Recognition
XI.A.2. Sheila Dembowski Thank You for Recognition
XI.B. Thank You for Memorial Tribute
XI.B.1. Michelle Bahr Thank You for Memorial Tribute
XI.B.2. Tara Slagoski Thank You for Memorial Tribute
XI.B.3. Chris and Kathy Heller Thank You for Memorial Tribute
XII. Future Meeting Dates
XII.A. Next Regular Board Meeting
XII.A.1. Wednesday, July 26, 2017, 6:30 p.m.
DCE Administration Building |
XII.A.2. Wednesday, August 23, 2017, 6:30 p.m.
DCE Administration Building |
XIII. Adjournment to Closed Session Following the Open Meeting Pursuant to W.S.S. 19.85(1)(f) for Update on Student Discipline Issue
XIV. Adjourn Board into Open Session to Take Any Action Deemed Necessary as a Result of Closed Session
XV. Adjourn