June 23, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Hearing of Delegations
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
VI.A.1. Regular Board Meeting of May 27, 2015
VI.A.2. Executive Session of May 27, 2015
VI.B. Recommended Employment/Resignations/Contract Adjustments
VI.C. Treasurer's Report - General/Other Fund Bills
VI.D. Balance Sheet
VI.E. Budget Transfers
VI.E.1. Fund 80 to Fund 21
VI.E.2. June Budget Transfers
VI.F. Grant Application(s)/Budget(s) Approval
VI.G. Fund Raising Requests
VI.G.2. China Trip
VI.G.3. Football
VI.H. Gift/Bequests
VI.H.1. ACE Hardware
VII. Reports/Considerations
VII.A. WASB Legislative Network Member
VII.B. CESA Representative
VII.C. Student Representative
VIII. Superintendent
VIII.A. DCE Middle School Selected as a School of Merit by Wisconsin RtI Center
VIII.B. Hatley School Flag Donation
VIII.C. Junior High Book Drive
IX. Unfinished Business
IX.A. Board Goals
IX.A.1. Technology Update
Director of Technology McBride
X. New Business
X.A. Action Items
X.A.1. Fund 80 to Fund 21 Transfer Resolution
X.A.2. Approve Negotiations with DCETA
X.A.3. DPI Food Service Contract & Meal Pricing
X.A.3.a. 2015-2016 Permanent Agreement/Policy Statement for School Nutrition Programs
X.B. Informational Items
X.B.1. Homeless Summary
Director of PS/SE Zynda
X.C. Other Business
XI. Petitions and Communications
XI.A. H.M.O.N.G. Youth Program Thank You
XI.B. Cindy Brenner Thank You for Retirement Recognition
XI.C. Beth Schultz Thank You for Retirement Recognition
XI.D. Christopher Heller Thank You for 25 Year Recognition
XII. Future Meeting Dates
XII.A. Next Regular Board Meeting
XII.A.1. Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
DCE Administration Building |
XII.A.2. Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
DCE Administration Building |
XIII. Adjournment to Closed Session Pursuant to W.S.S.19.85(1)(c)(e) to Consider District Health Insurance Options and to be Updated on Personnel Issues
XIV. Reconvene in Open Session
XV. Adjourn