May 28, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Hearing of Delegations
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of Minutes
VI.A.1. Regular School Board Meeting of April 30, 2014
VI.A.2. Executive Session (Closed) of April 30, 2014
VI.B. Recommended Employment/Resignations/Contract Adjustments
VI.C. Treasurer's Report - General/Other Fund Bills
VI.D. Balance Sheet
VI.E. Budget Transfers
VI.E.1. City of Schofield
VI.F. Grant Application(s)/Budget(s) Approval
VI.F.1. Carl Perkins
VI.G. Youth Options
VI.H. Fund Raising Requests
VI.I. Gift/Bequests
VI.J. Tuition Agreements/Waiver Requests
VI.K. Bus Accident Reports
VI.L. Policy Approval (Second Reading)
VI.L.1. District Wellness Policy (Revised)
VII. Reports/Considerations
VII.A. WASB Legislative Network Member
VII.B. CESA Representative
VII.C. Student Representative
VIII. Superintendent
VIII.A. Commendation of HR Department
VIII.B. SkillsUSA Competition Results
VIII.C. Commendation of DCE Junior High Students Allison Cotton and Lexie Higgins and their History Day Project
VIII.D. AP Study App Article in WDH
VIII.E. We the People - Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition
VIII.F. We the People Commendation by State Representative Mandy Wright
VIII.G. The Jet First Place awards from American Scholastic Press Association's Media Evaluation Contest and from the International Society of Journalism - Quill and Scroll.
VIII.H. 2014 Everette Yearbook inducted into Walsworth Yearbook's Gallery of Excellence.
IX. Unfinished Business
IX.A. Board Goals
IX.A.1. Presentation of Video on Careers/Jobs
X. New Business
X.A. Action Items
X.A.1. Resolution Awarding the Sale of $3,500,000 TAXABLE General Obligation PROMISSORY NOTES, Series 2014
X.A.2. Charter School Purchase Spending Pre-approval
X.A.3. Junior High Student Trip to Washington, D.C.
X.A.4. Technology Plan Approval (Plan to be available at the meeting)
X.B. Informational Items
X.B.1. Fund Balance Overview
X.B.2. Grading Policy Update
X.B.3. Technology Infrastructure
X.B.4. Loan for Technology
X.C. Other Business
X.C.1. Graduation - Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.
XI. Petitions and Communications
XI.A. Thank you for memorials from:
XI.A.1. Family of Phyllis A. Salter Noe (mother/mother-in-law of Mike & Lisa Salter)
XI.A.2. Sandra Plisch family for her mother-in-law
XI.B. Thank you for recognition of retirement and years of service from:
XI.B.1. Susan Aleckson
XI.B.2. Lynn Sirianni
XI.B.3. M. Jill Rebischke
XI.B.4. Denise M. Rhodes
XI.B.5. Gloria Zwifelhofer
XI.B.6. Mike & Lisa Salter
XI.B.7. Sharla Neville
XI.B.8. Michelle Marquardt
XI.B.9. Les Hojnacki
XI.B.10. Phyllis Baumann
XI.B.11. Sharon Nigbor
XI.C. Years of service recognition thank you from:
XI.C.1. Rhonda Haas
XI.C.2. Barbara Reger
XI.C.3. Gayle Fenhaus
XI.C.4. Ellen Suckow
XI.C.5. Tammy Koenig
XI.C.6. Sara Widmann
XI.C.7. Nancy Gajewski
XI.C.8. Bill Heeren
XII. Future Meeting Dates
XII.A. Special District Meeting
Monday, June 2, 2014, 6:30 p.m. D.C. Everest Administration Building Board Room |
XII.B. Next Regular Board Meeting
Wednesday, June 18, 2014, 6:30 p.m. D.C. Everest Administration Board Room |
XII.C. July Regular School Board Meeting
Wednesday, July 23, 2014, 6:30 p.m. D.C. Everest Administration Board Room |
XIII. Adjournment to Closed Session Following the Open Meeting Pursuant to
W.S.S. 1985(1)(c)(e) to Consider Personnel Issues and Employee Compensation
XIV. Reconvene
XV. Adjourn