May 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
Determination of Quorum and Call to Order
MISSION: Ensure academic achievement and personal growth for all students through innovative and engaging educational opportunities. VISION: An inclusive community of motivated learners who are inspired to change the world through exploration and collaboration. MOTTO: Excellence in Education, Enthusiasm for Life, Every Student, Every Day. |
4.A. Student Recognition
4.A.1. 3rd Grader - Steele nominated by Mrs. Bae
4.A.2. 5th Graders - Caroline and Penny nominated by Mrs. Bae
4.A.3. Algebra/Trigonometry Students from Mrs. Komac's 8th grade class - Ottie, Julia, Margaret, Piper, Yaretzy, Michelle, Abby, Tull, Braden and Isla
4.B. Staff Recognition
4.B.1. LBES Group Staff - Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Scheffer, Mrs. Slesnick
4.B.2. LBMS Staff - Mr. Beese
4.B.3. LBMS Staff - Mrs. Carlson
4.B.4. LBMS Staff - Mr. DeYoung (2)
4.B.5. LBMS Staff - Mrs. Dunn
4.B.6. LBMS Staff - Mrs. Huddlestun (2)
4.B.7. LBMS Staff - Mr. Ingrim
4.B.8. LBMS Staff - Mr. Jakcsy
4.B.9. LBMS Staff - Mrs. Jorgensen
4.B.10. LBMS Staff - Madame Szostak (2)
4.B.11. LBMS Staff - Mrs. Twohig
4.C. LBMS Retiree - Mrs. Gross
4.D. Recognition for Andy Duran
5. PUBLIC COMMENT - Andy Duran
(We welcome comments from our staff, parents, and constituents. The Board President will determine the format and ground rules for comments in the best interests of the audience and the Agenda.)
7.A. PTO Report - Julie Bell
7.B. Alliance Report - Michael Breakstone
7.C. LBES Principal Report - Kellie Bae
7.D. LBMS Principal Report- Nate Blackmer
7.E. Director of Finance and Operations/CSBO Update - Jay Kahn
7.F. Director of Student Services -Tracy Roehrick
7.G. Curriculum Coordinator - Jackie Tivador
7.H. Technology Coordinator - Kevin Kolcz
7.I. President's Report - Andy Duran
7.J. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Lisa Leali
8.A. Collective Bargaining Agreement 2024-2029
8.B. Treasurers Surety Bond - Jay Kahn
8.C. Hazardous Routes - Jay Kahn
8.D. Authorized Depositories - Jay Kahn
8.E. Seasonal Maintenance Staff- Jay Kahn
8.F. Security Infrastructure Enhancements
8.G. Press Policy 114 - First Read
8.G.1. 2:40 Board Member Qualifications
8.G.2. 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure
8.G.3. 2:265 Title IX Grievance Procedure
8.G.4. 4:190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program
8.G.5. 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment
8.G.6. 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited
8.G.7. 5:300 Schedules and Employment Year
8.G.8. 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities
8.G.9. 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited
8.G.10. 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
8.G.11. 8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property
8.G.12. 2:270 Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited
8.G.13. 5:100 Staff Development Program - QUESTION
***Required Question 1. For districts that have a practice of providing instruction in life-saving techniques and first-aid in their staff development programs, insert the following optional paragraph that restates 105 ILCS 5/3-11, 105 ILCS 110/3, and 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.800: "An opportunity shall be provided for all staff members to acquire, develop, and maintain the knowledge and skills necessary to properly administer life-saving techniques and first aid, including the Heimlich maneuver, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the use of an automated external defibrillator, in accordance with a nationally recognized certifying organization. Physical fitness facilities’ staff must be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use of an automated external defibrillator." Persons performing CPR are generally exempt from civil liability if they are trained in CPR (745 ILCS 49/10); persons performing automated external defibrillation are generally exempt from civil liability if they were trained and acted according to the standards of the American Heart Association (745 ILCS49/12). Would the board like to add the optional paragraph shown above, restating 105 ILCS 5/3-11, 105 ILCS 110/3, and 77 Ill.Admin.Code §527.800?
8.G.14. 2:50 Board Member Term of Office
8.G.15. 2:60 Board Member Removal from Office
8.G.16. 2:140 Communications To and From the Board
8.G.17. 4:20 Fund Balances
8.G.18. 4:110 Transportation
8.G.19. 5:35 Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act
8.G.20. 5:40 Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
8.G.21. 6:40 Curriculum Development
8.H. BOE Vacancy
9.A. Collective Bargaining Agreement 2024-2029 Approval
9.B. Superintendent Contract Approval
9.C. 2024-25 Tentative Budget Approval
9.D. Treasurers Surety Bond Approval
9.E. Hazardous Routes Approval
9.F. Authorized Depositories Approval
9.G. Bond Parameters Resolution Approval - Resolution providing for the issue of not to exceed $3,800,000 General Obligation Limited Tax Refunding School Bonds for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding bonds of the District, providing for the levy of a direct annual tax to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof.
9.H. Seasonal Staff Maintenance Approval
9.I. Personnel Report
9.J. ESY Staffing Approval
9.K. Consent Agenda
9.K.1. Open Session Meeting Minutes
9.K.1.a. 4-22-24 Board Workshop Meeting Minutes
9.K.1.b. 4-23-24 Regular Board of Education Meeting Minutes
9.K.2. Treasurers Report
9.K.3. Imprest Report
9.K.4. Bills Report
9.K.5. P Card Report
10. FOIA Requests - no requests
11. PUBLIC COMMENTS - Andy Duran
(We welcome comments from our staff, parents, and constituents. The Board President will determine the format and ground rules for comments in the best interests of the audience and the Agenda.)
If you will be attending the Board meeting and have questions concerning access or seek accommodations for a disability, please contact Amy Kotnik at 847-234-9400 or Early requests for accommodations are encouraged. |