September 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Opening the Meeting
President Lutkemeier called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The meeting was advertised in the September 8th publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. District Mission Statement
1.4. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
1.5. Publication of the Meeting
1.6. Board Member Roll Call
1.7. Excuse Absent Board Members
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2. Approval of the Agenda
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3. Celebration of Excellence
There were no recognitions this month.
4. Public Comment
Guests included Jennifer tenBensel, Eric Parr, Jennifer Karr and Paul Bade. No comment was offered at this time.
5. Information Items
5.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer discussed with board members the scheduling and location of the Holiday Staff / Board meal. It is set for December 3rd; the Social will be at 5:00 pm with the meal following at 6:00 pm at the Campbell Legion Hall. Fire and rescue departments were out to discuss emergency situations. Mr. Bauer invited board members to attend the September 21st NASB Area Membership Meeting at Kearney, the September 22nd Facilities and Construction Workshop also in Kearney, as well as the October 5th - 6th Labor Relations workshop in Lincoln. When asked, board members agreed that they'd like to move up Mr. Bauer's evaluation. Mr. Bauer also expanded on the school's public comment policy and time limits set during school board meetings. The 2022-23 Property Tax Request Hearing is set for Monday, September 26th, 6:01 pm at the Adams County Courthouse in Hastings. The Budget Hearing and Tax Request is set for Wednesday, September 28th, 7:00 am, at the Elementary in Bladen, NE.
5.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Drake reported total enrollment, including preschool, to be 99 students. Completed events include Farm Safety Day (thanks to Jocelyn Serna, the FFA students and sponsors); School Pictures and Acadiance Testing. Upcoming events are NSCAS and MAP testing set for September 12th - 23rd; Grandparents Day - September 16th; Teacher In-Service with ESU 9 (No School) - September 21st; Parent/Teacher Conferences - September 21st; 5th & 6th grade Earth Jamboree - September 22nd; and Fitness Day for 4th Grade in Hastings set for October 4th. Mr. Drake attended the Empowering Leaders workshop on August 30th and he took part in Safe2Help training on September 10th. Mr. Drake is working on an after-school program for grades 4- 6 from 3:30 - 5:30 pm twice a week. Students will need to sign up. They will work on homework, study skills, etc. Transportation will be provided. This program will also be advantageous for parents needing after-school daycare.
5.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Arntt reported enrollment numbers at 104 students. Student participation numbers are: Football: Varsity - 20, JH - 11; Volleyball: Varsity - 27, JH - 11; Cross Country: Varsity - 4; JH - 2; 2024 Washington Group: 37. EOP Training was on August 23rd. Members of the 4 towns' Fire and Rescue Crews and Adams County Sheriff's Department toured both buildings. The POSSE's Homecoming Rally Kick-Off was held on August 28th at the FB field in Bladen. Mrs. Curlo and 5 Silver Lake FFA students attended the LAUNCH training in Lincoln on August 31st. Members of the FFA participated in the Farm Safety Day at the Elementary. Completed events include School Pictures, Football and Cross-Country Parent's Night / Homecoming and Volleyball Parent's night. School pictures were taken September 7th. Mrs. Bonifas took a group of students to the Youth Science Field Day in Kearney on September 7th. NSCAS / MAP testing is underway this week. CTE teachers have begun working with the ESU for job shadowing opportunities. Mr. Arntt attended the Instructional Coaches Cadre at ESU 9 on Friday, August 26th and the Stop Putting Out Fires and Lead in-service at ESU 9 on Tuesday, August 30th. He also participated in the Safe2Help zoom meeting on September 8th. Teacher Observations have begun. Mr. Arntt also included an activity calendar that covers the next 4 weeks at the high school. Mr. Bartels asked if the administration could check into increasing the amount of time allotted for the Homecoming Dance.
6. Consent Agenda
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6.1. Minutes
6.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer's Report
6.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
7. Action Items
7.1. SLEA request to be recognized
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The Silver Lake Education Association is requesting that the Board take action to recognize them as the exclusive bargaining agent for the district's non-supervisory certificated staff for the 2024-2025 contract year. (see attachment)
8. Discussion/Information Items
9. Closed Session
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10. Future Agenda Items
The next regular school board meeting will be Wednesday, October 12th at 7 pm at the Elementary. The Budget Hearing is set for Wednesday, September 28th at 7 am. October board meeting items include discussion on drug policies, Building Committee recommendations for parking west of the high school and possibly 2 Life Skills students next year.
10.1. Mini bus with integrated pre-school seats
Next month, board members will consider ordering a bus for $92,595.
Bus information is attached. |
10.2. Annual Superintendent Evaluation
Mr. Bauer will hand these out in October, so board members can address them at the November meeting.
11. Adjournment
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