June 14, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Monthly Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Opening the Meeting
President Lutkemeier called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The meeting was advertised in the June 2nd publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
1.1. Call to Order
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. District Mission Statement
Every Student, Every Opportunity, Every Day - Silver Lake is dedicated to every student's academic and personal success.
1.4. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
1.5. Publication of the Meeting
1.6. Board Member Roll Call
1.7. Excuse Absent Board Members
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2. Approval of the Agenda
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3. Celebration of Excellence
See attached file.
4. Public Comment
Guests in attendance were Jennifer tenBensel, Eric Parr, Jennifer Karr and Chris Sluka. Eric Parr addressed the board in regards to the scheduling of Silver Lake's graduation. Graduation is normally set on the 2nd Saturday of May. This year Mother's Day followed graduation. Due to the busy weekend (ie graduation, receptions, and Mother's Day), there was some concern about continuing to set graduation on the 2nd Saturday. Eric would like to see it continue. An observation was made that other schools scheduled graduation around ours to enable patrons to attend.
5. Information Items
5.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer shared a transportation report that reflected the miles driven on each vehicle over the last school year. Board members were able to see the age of each vehicle, overall miles and the miles driven on average for each school day. Mr. Bauer reported negotiations may need to include increasing teacher in-service days due to the need for increased crisis / emergency training, including CPR / 1st aide, bloodborne pathogens, etc. required by state and federal regulations. He stated that the Emergency Operations Planning training took place via zoom over 2 days, June 6th & 7th. Mr. Bauer has invited local rescue departments to both schools to familiarize themselves in case of an active shooter situation. Substitute teacher pay was also discussed. Board members may need to consider increasing the pay to stay competitive. Mr. Bauer will be working on budget planning over the next 2 months. Also, Fire and Rescue training will be set for late July / early August at both sites. On June 22nd & 23rd, there is a School Leaders & Law Conference hosted by NASB for interested board members.
5.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Arntt reported that the Elementary Spring Concert, held Tuesday, May 17th went well. As well as the Elementary Honors Program and the Fun / Field Day on Friday, May 13th. He thanked Alan Bonifas and Dennis Timm for handing out 6th grade promotion certificates. Jump Start will be held from July 25th to August 5th from 8:30 to 11:30 am. Bussing provided. Preschool summer school will also run from July 25th to August 5th from 9:00 to 11:00 am. The 5th & 6th grade students have completed their summer school requirements successfully and will move to the 6th and 7th grades next year. The Webster County Fair 4-H clothing judging, fashion show and music contest will be held at the elementary on Monday, July 18th. Mr. Arntt also shared the Acadience Reading Scores, which showed significant improvement.
5.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Drake reported that the summer weights and conditioning program had started. Completed events include graduation; report cards were mailed out on the last day of school; state track participants: Adrian Gomez - Shot Put, Morgan Dinkler - 3200 and Georgi tenBensel - 300 Hurdles; Washington trip; NE vs WY 6 man all-star game (Brock Karr); TVC vs NPL (Northern Plains League) BB game (Amanda Ehrman, Katelyn Karr) and TVC vs NPL volleyball game (Katelyn Karr). Mr. Drake attended the EOP training on June 6th & 7th. Summer cleaning and maintenance is well under way and gym floor refinishing will be completed by July 28 - 29th at both sites.
6. Consent Agenda
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6.1. Minutes
6.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer's Report
6.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
7. Action Items
7.1. Set Breakfast/Lunch Prices
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Previous Amounts
Pre School - Breakfast = $1.10. Lunch = $2.10 K-6 - Breakfast = $1.45. Lunch = $2.50 7-12 - Breakfast = $1.70. Lunch = $2.75 Extra Milk = $.40 Seconds = $1.25 Minimum Recommended Amounts Pre School - Breakfast = $1.50. Lunch = $2.50 K-6 - Breakfast = $2. Lunch = $2.75 7-12 - Breakfast = $2. Lunch = $3 Extra Milk = $.45 Seconds = $1.50 |
7.2. Striv Package Information
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The larger comprehensive Striv package will have increased speed, hi-def and will include a head set and require a video switcher. Students will be able to broadcast and report play by play activity at games. They will also have the opportunity to do interviews with local businesses instead of having commercials.
7.3. Master Calendar Change
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Board members approved a master calendar change due to a home football game.
7.4. List items as surplus to sale
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We have a convection oven, file cabinets, laptop charging carts, old TV carts, an old desk and a few other miscellaneous items to mark as surplus and sell.
8. Discussion/Information Items
8.1. Board Policy Updates - 1st Reading
Mr. Bauer reviewed the recommended updated policies and noted the changes, along with the school board's preferences. The vote to approve will be on the agenda for July's meeting.
8.2. Bus Barn in Bladen
Mr. Bauer has been instructed to get bids on an elementary bus barn similar to the high school bus barn. The bid is to include 3 doors, be approximately 125' w by 140' d and have the concrete floor bid separately. The 2 possible locations would be main street or in the vicinity of the tennis courts east of the football field. The pros and cons of each location were discussed. The building committee (Brant K., Alan B & Allen B) will also weigh in on the specifics of the project.
8.3. Clean School Bus Grant
Board members discussed holding off on the purchase of an electric bus until more information becomes available.
8.4. Entry access at the Roseland Location
Discussion was held to secure possible bids in order to redesign the Roseland facility entrance for visitors during the school day. Continue to use the existing doors for activity entrance.
9. Closed Session
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10. Future Agenda Items
Future agenda items include bids on the elementary bus barn and redesigned high school entrance; 2nd reading of updated policies, budget numbers and retreat date. (possibility of 1st week in August). The next regular board of education meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 12th, 7 pm at Silver Lake High School in Roseland.
11. Adjournment
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