April 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Call to Order
President Lutkemeier called the meeting to order at 7 pm. The meeting was advertised in the April 1st, 2021 publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Minutes
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer’s Report
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4.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
4.4. Excuse Absent Board Members
5. Public Comment
Guests in attendance were Ryan and Krista Behmer, Kate Baker, Arlo Thayer, Kari Sharp, Amanda Ehrman, Trista Hanson, Cody Simonton, Teresa Schmidt, Krissy Simonton, Jennifer Karr, Jenn tenBensel, Sharon and Jenna Strampher, Madison Miller, Luke Swanson and Katelyn Karr. No comments were offered at this time.
6. Old Business
7. New Business
7.1. Accept the resignation of Jordan Volk
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Jordan Volk has turned in a letter of resignation effective at the end of this year's contract.
7.2. Employ Amber Zimmerman
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The resignation of Jordan Volk left an open position in 5th grade. Recommendation was made to hire Amber Zimmerman as 5th grade teacher for the 21-22 school year.
7.3. Accept the resignation of Caitlin Houdek
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Caitlin Houdek has turned in a letter of resignation effective at the end of this year's contract.
7.3.1. Vacant Music Position
With the resignation of Mrs. Houdek and the demand for music teachers high, board members discussed options for next year.
7.4. Approval of the Graduates of 2021
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The attached list has the students who are currently on track to graduate from Silver Lake Public Schools in 2021.
7.5. Bid for new mats at the Roseland and Bladen gyms
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The mats in both facilities are in need of updating. This is becoming a safety issue, and it is important that we get them replaced in the near future.
7.6. Covid Employee/Staff Incentive-Bonus
Board members requested that we speak about a possible cash bonus or other bonus. Several options that I have heard.
1 - $500 bonus to all teachers/staff members 2 - Treat all teachers and staff to an amazing meal either during teacher appreciation week at both buildings during their lunchtime (1st week in May) or sometime this summer like our old Holiday dinner. Get all teachers and staff members custom Silver Lake I heart Public Schools t-shirts. 3 - We have had several days of school off for weather and started a couple of days later in January due to covid concerns - teachers were still paid for these days. Provide a bonus to all Non certificated staffs in the amount of $300 for lost wages during these days. 4 - any additional ideas or options presented at the meeting. 5 - Acknowledge as a board that we appreciate greatly all the hard work and extra efforts our teachers and staff have made during the 20-21 school year and get a “Thank You” note sent out to all of our teachers and staff signed by all the board members thanking them for their extra work and dedication. After some discussion board members came to a consensus of giving faculty and staff a paid day off. Board members decided to designate May 19th as the last day of school with Thursday, May 20th planned as an in-service day. A catered meal is planned for Thursday at noon. Board members also approved staff shirts. |
7.7. Covid Mask Policy
Board members discussed the masking policy. A consensus was reached starting Monday, April 19th. Masks would not be required in the commons area and hallways. Students would respect teacher's mask preferences in their classrooms. They would also adhere to bus driver preferences. Frequent sanitization of surfaces would continue. Masks would be required at public gatherings such as band concerts and graduation. Quarantine process is still in place per health department guidelines.
7.8. Big Al's Bins bid for Roseland Drainage
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Alan Bonifas has submitted a bid for concrete and drainage work at the Roseland site.
7.9. K - 6 Science Curriculum
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We have secured a bid for the new K-6 Science curriculum in the amount of $25,782.67 for a 6 year subscription and $15,562.09 for a 1 year subscription. Mrs. Bartels has selected this curriculum after thoughtful consideration of multiple curriculum options.
7.10. Title 1 Representative
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Each year the Board needs to appoint a Title 1 representative.
7.11. Discuss, review, take any necessary action with regards to the Washington DC trip.
Mr. Drake held a meeting on Monday, April 12th with parents, students and sponsors to discuss the logistics of the trip. Due to Covid-19 and the strict limitations currently in New York City and Washington DC, the group decided to change destinations. The Seniors will be heading to San Antonio, TX. Juniors can have another year to fundraise. Miss Baker, Mr. Drake and Mr. Bauer have researched the area and come up with a sample itinerary that is educational.
7.12. Non-Certificated Staff Insurance offering
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8. Reports
8.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer discussed the new Nebraska Educational Health Standards being introduced. The draft standards emphasize teaching children respect for people of all genders, gender expressions and gender identities. It also allows for each school to create their own standard, but it has to meet or exceed the national standard. Board members discussed creating their own standard. Mr. Bauer also updated board members on new legislation being proposed. Revenue reform is being introduced and Mr. Bauer is being invited to meet personally with legislative representatives. He also asked board members who they would like to see included on the Code of Conduct committee. Board members indicated volunteers from the board, administration, teachers and students. Leon Lutkemeier, Shaun Fisher and Brant Karr all expressed an interest in serving on the committee. Board members would also like to see representatives from the student body attending board meetings as well. Mr. Bauer also proposed a district planning meeting to set long term goals. Board members could meet sometime in the summer to discuss objectives. The house which was purchased by Silver Lake has been leased. Steve Williams with KSB School Law helped put together the lease agreement. The Transportation Committee will be meeting directly before the regular board meeting in May to discuss bus and van inventory and expectations for updating the fleet. Mr. Bauer also informed board members of a worker's comp claim and a classified staff member who is helping coach our track team.
8.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Arntt reported that the Beef Boosters grilled hamburgers for the elementary students on Wednesday, March 31st. A big thank you to Todd Bartels, Trevor Karr, Amber Gibson and Kelly Conroy! They are scheduled to grill hamburgers again on April 19th. Kindergarten visitation was held Thursday, April 8th from 9:00 to 12:30 pm and went well. The Elementary Spring Concert date will be Tuesday, May 18th. Planning on in person at this time. Elementary Honors Program & Fun / Field Day will be Friday, May 14th with the Honors program beginning at 9:00 am and Field Day at 10:30 am. Mr. Arntt also reported that for summer help Shirley Pedersen will be working her current hours and hiring for a 1/2 time custodial position with the board's permission. Interviews were conducted last week for the 5th grade position. New science curriculum will be in place for next year. NeSA testing window runs between March 22 and April 30. Make up testing is May 3 - May 7. Progress reports were sent home on Friday, April 9th. Mr. Arntt also discussed the Jump Start program which will focus on Math & Reading. A shuttle service will be provided for the program starting this fall. Mr. Arntt also reported a problem with a clogged drain that resulted in water backing up which resulted in some damage. Repair bill will be coming. The STEAM room (Rm 128) is progressing. Board members were invited to have a look.
8.3. Secondary Principal
Mr. Drake reported that MAP testing is complete. He will provide a summary at the May meeting. NSCAS testing is in progress. The senior class is on track to graduate with the exception of one student in Alt. school. Completed events include the ACT, FFA Banquet (which was well attended) and a great guest speaker who spoke on human trafficking & social media responsibility. FBLA / StuCo trash pick was held. Upcoming events include Prom which is set for this coming Friday, FFA plant sales (April 20 - 21st), State Journalism (April 26th) - qualifiers are Luke Swanson, Kerigan Karr, Seirra Watts - Hofstetter; High School Spring Concert is set for April 29, 7:00 pm, TVC Track will take place in Red Cloud on May 1st. TVC Golf will also be in Red Cloud on May 6th. Honors Night will be May 3rd at 6:45 with NHS induction, Honors at 7:00 pm. A short athletic awards ceremony will follow the Honors program. Graduation will be May 8th at 4:00 pm. Mr. Drake asked if any board members would like to hand out diplomas. Leon Lutkemeier (board president) and Brian Karr will be helping with that. Mr. Drake attended the NRCSA conference. He found it valuable on a number of topics. Mr. Drake also had the Washington trip on his report, which he discussed earlier in the meeting. He asked board members for any last minute suggestions regarding Prom or Graduation attendance guidelines. Graduation receiving line will still be in place. Mr. Drake reported a top ACT score of 33 for Landon Nabower. This is a possible new high record for Silver Lake. Also, Silver Lake's E Sports team made it to the Elite 8.
8.4. Administrative
9. Presentation and Recognition of Awards
10. Executive Session
11. Next Meeting
The next regular board meeting is set for Thursday, May 13th, 7 pm at the high school. Transportation committee will meet at 6:45 pm.
12. Adjournment
Due to no further business, President Lutkemeier adjourned the meeting at 8:26 pm.