March 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Call to Order
President Lutkemeier called the meeting to order at 7 pm. The meeting was advertised in the March 11th, 2021 publication of the Blue Hill Leader. "The Open Meetings Act" poster was displayed in the meeting room.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Minutes
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.2. Bills/Transfers/Treasurer’s Report
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4.3. Acceptance/Emergency Modifications of the Agenda
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4.4. Excuse Absent Board Members
5. Public Comment
Guests in attendance were: Jolene Heuertz, Jennifer Karr, Arlo Thayer, Eric Parr and Kevin Krull with EMC Insurance. No comments were offered at this time.
6. Old Business
7. New Business
7.1. Kevin Krull Question and Answer
Kevin Krull with EMC Insurance has been invited to the meeting to answer any questions board members may have about our insurance coverage. Mr. Krull explained that insurance for schools in this area are covered either by Alicap, EMC or another company (This last company covers schools in the Lincoln and Omaha locations). He discussed the differences between EMC Insurance and Alicap which is a coop based on members pooling their resources. He explained that risk management was handled in 3 different ways with the acronym "RTS". This stands for Retain (which is the risk handled by the insured through deductibles) Transfer (Transferring risk to EMC to take on the responsibility) and Shared (member pooling concept). Alicap requires a 3 year commitment, annual payment, and members pay into an Insolvency Fund. If a school district wants to opt out early, they are required to send their request to the other districts (members) asking permission to do so. Coverage runs from October to October. There is no regulation by the state department of insurance. With EMC Insurance, they are regulated, offer support through an agent and premiums take into account loss history. There are 3 different types of policies: Basic, Broad form and Special form. The Special form is considered the "Cadillac" and is also referred to as the "All Risk" plan with coverage extending to those "weird" type of losses. Silver Lake is currently covered under the Special form.
7.2. Salary for Elementary Principal
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7.3. Salary for 7-12 Principal
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At the February Board of Education meeting, the Board voted to offer Mr. Drake a one year contract for the 2021-2022 school year. The Board needs to set his salary.
7.4. Resignation of Elementary Para
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Kimberly Jakoby has found a new job that allows her to work closer to home. She was Joslynn Trausch's one on one para and has been a float para since Joslynn began attending Hastings Public Schools.
7.5. ALICAP Visit Summary
Matthew Fisher with ALICAP was out to complete our ALICAP Loss Control Consultation.
HIS SUMMARY: In general, I believe the Silver Lake administration and staff are working to identify and improve the safety and security of their facilities for all employees, students, and visitors. I would encourage continued vigilance as to how to best utilize resources to address safety concerns. Matt Fisher, NASB, ALICAP |
7.6. Rule 10 Safety Report
Larry Witt visited and inspected both the high school and elementary for compliance with Rule 10. See attached report for Silver Lake Public Schools 2020-21 School Year. Building Administrators have begun working through the recommended improvements and actions necessary for the district.
7.7. Transfer of Certificated Staff
WIth Mrs. Hussmann taking early retirement it created a Special Education opening. Courtney Buerer, our current Title teacher, would like to move into this position. We have posted and interviewed for the open Title position.
7.8. To Employ Christy Lecher as a Title 1 teacher.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
With Courtney Buerer filling the Special Education opening we have a vacancy in our Title 1 Position. She is currently an elementary teacher at Leyton Public School.
7.9. Extra Duty Assignments
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With summer leagues and camps being arranged it is becoming more important that we have these approved in March instead of April. With discussion on sports and activities, Mr. Bartels proposed a Code of Conduct Sportsmanship Pledge signed by students and staff. Staff would be responsible for ensuring conduct is appropriate. The idea is to hold students accountable for their behavior and to promote better sportsmanship. He also proposes the development of a committee consisting of board members and administration to help monitor.
7.10. EMC Insurance Quote
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
See attached renewal quote.
Our renewed premiums are: Auto - $11,533. $500/$500 Deductibles ($258 Savings at $1,000 Deductible) Property - $33,182. $2,500 Deductible. ($2,080 Savings at $10,000 Deductible) |
7.11. Big Als Bins bid
Alan Bonifas submitted a bid for drainage and concrete work at the high school. See attached quote.
8. Reports
8.1. Superintendent
Mr. Bauer thanked board members for their support and continued desire to provide the highest quality education to Silver Lake's students. He reminded board members of the upcoming NRCSA Spring Conference set for March 25th & 26th. Mr. Bauer also informed them of his upcoming external visit to Amherst Public School for their school improvement program. He informed board members of the latest Covid updates with recent staff vaccinations and asked what their opinions were regarding Prom and mask wearing. He noted the days between Prom and graduation. The general consensus of the board was not to require masks for the students for Prom. Mr. Drake highly recommended masks for graduation, with the exception of students when they're up on the stage and the seating is appropriately distanced.
8.2. Elementary Principal
Mr. Arntt reported that on Feb 22nd, the HS FFA came to the elementary and gave a presentation to the students. Dr. Seuss Week was March 1st through the 4th. Mr. Conroy and SL Elementary have completed Jump Rope for Heart and raised $5,128.92. The Elementary Spring Concert is set for Tuesday, May 18th. Planning on "in person" at this time. Elementary Honors Program and Fun/Field Day will be Wednesday, May 19th. Honors program will begin at 9:00 am, Field Day at 10:30 am. Kindergarten RoundUp for next year will be held on Monday, March 1st at 6:00 pm in the elementary commons. At this time we are expecting 11 next year from the preschool. Pre-School RoundUp for next year will be held on Tuesday, March 9th at 6:00 pm in the elementary commons. At this time we are expecting 23. Mr. Arntt also reported some water leaks found on the stage, February 19th. This was due to melting ice and snow that was piled up higher than the roof ridges. Dale removed the snow over the weekend. Another leak was found on the concrete in the gym from the roof. Courtney Buerer has taken the SpEd teacher position. Interviews for the Title 1 position were conducted the first 2 weeks in March. NeSA testing window runs between March 22 and April 30. Make Up testing is May 3rd - 7th. Report cards were sent home on Monday, March 15th. Parent/Teacher Conferences were held Wednesday, February 24th in person. Mr. Arntt asked if board members preferred the commemorative plaque displayed outside the building (would be etched bronze or aluminum) or inside the building (etched wood). He also gave the approximate prices associated with each. Board members stated their preference would be inside the building.
8.3. Secondary Principal
Character Strong is up and running. Mr. Drake has started a student advisory group to help identify issues in the building and in extra-curriculars. Participation in Spring athletics are: HS Track - 25, JH Track - 31 and Golf - 7. P/T Conferences had a good turnout all things considered. TVC Speech was February 24th. Speech night was March 1st and we had an excellent crowd. District Speech was March 9th in Falls City. Upcoming events include a guest speaker on Human Trafficking set for March 19th. ACT Test for Juniors will be March 23rd. Juniors will be taking this test in Hastings. TVC Quiz Bowl hosted by Silver Lake is set for March 31st. Prom will be April 16th. Graduation is set for May 8th. Mr. Drake also reported some maintenance issues. The greenhouse had water line problems following the cold temperatures. There was also a leak in the wall in the main women's restroom.
8.4. Administrative
9. Presentation and Recognition of Awards
10. Executive Session
11. Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the board of education is set for Wednesday, April 14th, 7 pm and will take place at the Elementary. The Americanism Committee will be meeting at 6:40 pm ahead of that meeting.
12. Adjournment
President Lutkemeier adjourned the meeting at 8:55 pm due to no further business.