September 30, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum
2. Closed/Executive Session-Section 551, Texas Government Code
Personnel-Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
2.A. Level III Employee Grievance
2.B. CHS Counseling Department
3. Open Session-7 p.m.
3.A. Invocation
3.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
3.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
4. Information Reports (No Action Required)
4.A. CHS Student Clubs update
4.B. Edge Middle School leadership activities
4.C. Update on Instructional Coaching
4.D. Update on Federal Programs
4.E. New teacher mentor program
4.F. 2013-2014 Board Meeting Schedule
5. Public Comments
6. Action Items
6.A. Consent Agenda
6.A.1. Minutes
6.A.2. Financial Reports
7. New and Unfinished Action Items
7.A. Level III employee grievance
7.B. Certify CHS graduate
7.C. Curriculum Resolution
8. Adjournment