January 26, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Board Work Session
Minutes |
1. Call the meeting to order.
Roll call of members in attendance.
2. Information - Four search consultants have been contacted.
Three have indicated they are busy. Have not had a response from fourth consultant. |
3. Is the position of superintendent a full time or part time position?
4. Review of superintendent advertisement.
Dr. Clark
The advertisement draft was sent out last week.
Inputs have been received and draft #2 reflects those suggestions. Draft #2 is attached. Following the meeting the advertisement will be publicized in the Advocate Tribune for two (2) weeks, on our website, on the MASA website and in the MSBA Bulletin. It is very expensive to use metro area newspapers. Return on investment with printed material is historically poor. |
5. Discussion - What is the timeline for this process?
All members
A timeline from July 1, 2015 should be established and include, in reverse order: negotiate terms of employment, offer contract to successful candidate, final interviews of finalist(s), Invite 3-5 candidates for interview, narrow interview candidates to approximately 5 candidates.
Applications are due on or before March 17. No particular reason for the date selected but enough time to allow the board to finalize the process and to receive candidate applications. |
6. What is the budget for the search process?
7. Discussion - What is the board willing to pay for the finance and benefit package?
All members
Is this item something the entire board wishes to be involved with or delegate to the Finance or Selection Committee?
8. Develop a collection of questions and grading matrix for interviews. (In house process only.)
All members
In the event the board chooses to proceed with in house interviews the questions and grading system must be the same for all candidates interviewed. The process of interview SHALL be equal and equivalent for all candidates in order that allegations or claims of discrimination are made by a candidate or observer.
9. Discussion - Who would the interview committee be composed of?
All members
Who does the board of education wish to include in the interview process?
Separate interviews by group(s), or a single interview by a single committee? How does the interview take place? |
10. Other items concerning the candidate process.
All members
Ideas, comments or questions not previously addressed?
11. Adjourn the meeting.