August 20, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call to order and establish a quorum
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Minutes from July 16, 2009 Regular Board Meeting and Minutes from July 30, 2009 Special Board Meeting
III.B. Review monthly financial statement and payment of bills
III.C. Approve 2008-2009 Budget Amendments
IV. Comments from visitors
V. Approve teacher appraisal calendar
VI. Discussion and possible action regarding review and recommendations of district-wide comprehensive math improvement plan
VII. Review of changes to student handbooks for 2009-2010 by campus principals
VIII. Discussion and possible action of changes to district Student Code of Conduct
IX. Discussion of updates to 2009-2010 employee handbook presented by administration
X. Inform Board of potential financial donation from AB Gilbert Foundation
XI. Communications and Reports
XI.A. Resignation(s) - Gilbert
XI.B. Campus Reports - Longley, Scott, Gilbert
XI.C. Athletic Report - Stephens
XI.D. Beginning of School - Gilbert
XI.E. Roof and HVAC Repairs - Gilbert
XI.F. Stabilization Funds - Gilbert
XI.G. Update Tax Rate Election - Gilbert
XI.H. Citizens Committee on TRE - Gilbert
XII. Adjourn