February 15, 2018 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Invocation
II. Open Forum
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Minutes of Previous Meetings
III.B. Bills Payable
and possible action to order a General Election for the election of two (3)
at-large School Board Trustee positions to be held on May 5, 2018.
Considerar y tal vez actuar para
ordenar elecciones generales el 5 de mayo de 2018 para elegir dos (2)
administradores del Consejo con amplios poderes.
and possible approval of the Notice and Order of General Election for Early
Voting and for Election Day. Considerar para su
posible aprobación el Aviso y la Orden de convocatoria de elecciones generales
para la votación adelantada y para el día de las elecciones.
III.E. Consider
and possible approval of Resolution to conduct a joint election on May 5, 2018,
with all cities and schools with territory inside Lubbock County that may
require a May 5, 2018, election.
para su posible aprobación la Resolución para celebrar elecciones conjuntas el
día 5 de mayo de 2018 con las ciudades o distritos escolares cuyo territorio
esté dentro del condado de Lubbock y que pudieran requerir elecciones el día 5
de mayo de 2018.
and possible approval of the Joint Election Contract with Lubbock County for
2018 elections.
para su posible aprobación el Contrato de elecciones conjuntas con el condado
de Lubbock para las elecciones de 2018.
and possible approval to appoint Dorothy Kennedy, Elections Administrator, to
serve as Joint Elections Officer. Considerar
para su posible aprobación el nombramiento de Dorothy Kennedy, Administradora
de las elecciones, para desempeñar el cargo del funcionario electoral conjunto.
III.H. Consider
and possible approval to appoint Dorothy Kennedy, Elections Administrator, to
serve as the Joint Early Voting Clerk. Considerar
para su posible aprobación el nombramiento de Dorothy Kennedy, Administradora
de las elecciones, para desempeñar el cargo de secretaria para la votación
adelantada conjunta.
and possible approval to appoint the Elections Office located at 1308 Crickets
Avenue as the main early voting polling place. Considerar
para su posible aprobación la designación de la oficina electoral ubicada en el
1308 Crickets Avenue como el centro electoral principal para la votación
and possible approval of Exhibit A to the Joint Election Contract regarding the
Joint Early Voting Schedule and Locations. Considerar
para su posible aprobación el Anexo A del Contrato de elecciones conjuntas
relativo al horario de la votación adelantada conjunta y sus ubicaciones.
and possible approval of Exhibit B to the Joint Election Contract regarding
Election Day Vote Centers. Considerar
para su posible aprobación el Anexo B del Contrato de elecciones conjuntas
relativo a los centros electorales el día de las elecciones.
and possible approval of April 24, 2018, and May 1, 2018, as the two 12-hour
days of Early Voting.
para su posible aprobación el 24 de abril de 2018 y el 1 de mayo de 2018 como
los dos días de 12 horas para llevar a cabo la votación adelantada.
Consider and possible appointment of
Dorothy Kennedy as Central Count Manager, Roxzine Stinson as Tabulation
Supervisor, and Tom Grimes as Central Count Presiding Judge. Considerar
el posible nombramiento de Dorothy Kennedy como la Administradora del conteo
central, a Roxzine Stinson como Supervisora de la tabulación y a Tom Grimes
como el Juez actuante del conteo central.
III.N. Consider and possible appointment of the following as Supervisors and Rovers for each Vote Center for Election Day:
III.O. Consider and possible appointment of the following as the Early Voting Ballot Board Judge, Alternate Judge, Early Voting Ballot Board Members, Central Count Judge, and Central Count Alternate Judge:
Johnny Franklin: Presiding Judge Early Voting Ballot Board
Betty Wheeler: Alternate Judge Early Voting Ballot Board |
III.P. Consider
and possible appointment of Gloria Armenta, Rachel Botello, and Aaron Frodsham
as Bilingual Election Clerks for the May 5, 2018, election. Considerar
el posible nombramiento de Gloria Armenta, Rachel Botello y Aaron Frodsham como
secretarios electorales bilingües para las elecciones del día 5 de mayo de
IV. Action Items
IV.A. Consider approval of Audit Agreement with BSGM for 2017-2018 School Year
IV.B. “Policy Update 110, affecting local policies (see attached list)”
V. Principal Reports
V.A. Enrollment Report
VI. Athletic Director Report
VII. Director of Instruction Report
VIII. Business Manager Reports
VIII.A. Budget Progress
VIII.B. Food Service Report
VIII.C. Tax Report
IX. Superintendent's Report
X. Executive Session
X.A. Administrator Contracts
X.A.I. Elementary Principal
X.A.II. Middle School Principal
X.A.III. High School Principal
X.A.IV. Director of Instruction
X.A.V. Assistant Principal
X.A.VI. Technology Director
X.A.VII. Athletic Director
XI. Discussion of Personnel Matters