January 17, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Board Appreciation Meal from the Career & Technology Education Program Students from 6:00 -7:00 pm
Meal by FCS
2. Call to Order-Regular Meeting, January 17, 2018
3. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.
4. Board Recognitions
4.A. School Board Recognition
5. Public Comment.
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Board Minutes of December 20, 2017 Regular Meeting
6.B. Special Board Minutes December 20, 2017
6.C. Financial Reports
6.D. Quarterly Investment Report
6.E. Public Acknowledgements of Donations
6.F. Overnight AP Science Trip
7. Administrative Reports:
7.A. Athletic Director
7.B. Technology Director
7.C. Elementary Principal
7.D. Middle School Principal
7.E. High School Principal
7.F. Superintendent's Report:
7.F.1. Enrollment Count through January 2018
7.F.2. TCEF and Endowment Campaign updates
7.F.3. TASB Policy Review Session Agreement
7.F.4. Budget Planning Guide/Calendar
7.F.5. Other reports
8. Closed Session: As permitted by Government code 551.074:Personnel Matters Including: Superintendent Evaluation
9. Closed Session: As permitted by Government code 551.074:Personnel Matters Including: Personnel and Superintendent Contract
10. Discussion and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session Including: Superintendent Evaluation and Contract Renewal; Personnel
11. Adjourn.