September 9, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order-Regular Meeting, September 09, 2009.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Public Input
4. Consider Approval of Board Minutes for August 12, 2009 Regular Meeting and August 27, 2009 Special Meeting
5. Administrative Reports
5.A. Elementary Principal's Report on Beginning of School, Student Counts and Activities
5.B. Secondary Principal's Report on Student Counts, Activities and Discipline.
5.C. Athletic Director's Report on Activities.
5.D. Technology Director's Report on Technology Upgrades.
5.E. Superintendent's Report on Status of the District.
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of the 2008-2009 Financial Audit.
7. Discussion and Possible Approval of John R. Pechacek, CPA as the Auditor for 2009-2010.
8. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Financial Reports and Donations.
9. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Annual Investment Report.
10. Discussion and Possible Approval of the SHAC- School Health Advisory Committee for 2009-2010.
11. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Adjunct Faculty for 2009-2010.
12. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Innovated Course "Introduction to Culinary Arts".
13. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the 2009-2010 Board Priorities.
14. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the District Safety Plan for 2009-2010.
15. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Teacher Salary Adjustment as Mandated by HB 3646.
16. Closed Session: As Permitted by Government Code 551.074. Discussion Regarding: Resignations of Contracted Employees, Employment of Contract Employees.
17. Discussion and Possible Action regarding: Resignations of Contract Employees, Employment of Contracted Employees
18. Adjourn