May 15, 2008 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Public Comments
4. Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting April 16, 2008, Special Meetings April 23, 2008, April 30, 2008, May 7, 2008, May 8, 2008 and May 13, 2008.
5. Superintendent, Principal and Directors Reports
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of Financial Reports, and Donations.
7. Discussion on Preliminary 2008-2009 School Budget
8. Discussion and Possible Action on District Policy FM (Local)
9. Approve textbook adoption for the 2008-2009 school year in accordance with TEC 31.101.
10. Discussion and Possible action on Student Transfer Policy.
11. Discussion with TASB consultant regarding superintendent/CEO search process
12. Closed Session Personnel under the authority of Texas Open Meetings Act section 551.074: Resignations of Contract Employees, Employment of Contract Employees.
13. Discussion and Possible Action regarding: Resignations of Contract Employees, Employment of Contract Employees.
14. Adjourn