Agenda |
I. Open Meetings Law
II. Call regular meeting to order
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Reorganization of the Board
IV.1. Voting on Board President
IV.2. Voting On Vice President
IV.3. Voting on Board Secretary
IV.4. Voting on Treasurer
IV.5. Board Committee Assignments
V. Appoint Andrew Offner as LEA and EEO Compliance Coordinator for the district
VI. Recognition of Guests and Visitors
VII. Patrons who wish to address the board - 30 minutes (3 minutes per person)
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.1. Approval of Agenda
VIII.2. Approval of Minutes; for the Regular Board meeting minutes December 9, 2024.
VIII.3. Option Enrollment IN (2), OUT (0), Canceled (3)
IX. Financial Reports
IX.1. Budget Report: See Report -
IX.2. Fund Claims: Discussion
X. Administrative Reports
X.1. Mrs. Knust Pk - 6 Principal Report
X.2. Mr. Schmit 7-12 Principal Report
X.3. Dr. Offner: Superintendent Report
XI. Discussion items
XI.1. Discussion on Superintendents Contract
XI.2. Discussion on Flyer
XI.3. Disscussion on Rule 10 Safety aduit
XI.4. Discussion on Sign out front
XI.5. Discussion on activity Bus
XI.6. Discussion on epoxy flooring in the locker room area
XI.7. Discussion on Audit
XI.8. Discussion on library furniture
XII. Action Items
XII.1. Take action on the approval of the Budget, Financial Report, and Claims
XII.2. Take action on offering Superintendent Offner a Contract
XII.3. Take action to approve the library furniture purchase for $35,544.81
XII.4. Take action to approve Love Signs to install a new sign for $___________
XII.5. Take action to approve buying a new activity
XII.6. Take action to approve buying a new activity bus for $___________
XII.7. Executive Session (if needed) Discuss Personnel/Litigation/Protection of Public Interest -
XII.8. Agenda Setting and Future Meetings/Adjournment