February 11, 2025 at 9:00 AM - Board of Supervisors
Agenda |
1. Please silence all cell phones
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
3. Roll call
4. Inform public of the posting of the open meeting laws
5. The meeting notice was published in the Columbus Telegram on February 4th, 2025 and the Humphrey Democrat on February 5th, 2025.
6. Approve the agenda as written
7. Approve the minutes for January 28th as written
8. Discussion and possible action on the following:
9. Platte County Extension Office - Sheila Hoppe
9.a. Consideration of Nebraska 4-H Month Proclamation
9.b. Presentation of Nebraska Extension 2024 annual report of accomplishments and impacts.
10. Columbus Area Convention & Visitors Bureau - Theresa Grape
10.a. Consideration of Visitors Bureau Improvement Fund Requests for the Loup River Bridge Trail
11. Assessor - Kari Urkoski
11.a. Consideration of acceptance and approval of Interlocal Agreements between the Village of Tarnov and Humphrey Rural Fire Protection District, as well as the Village of Cornlea and the Humphrey Rural Fire Protection District.
12. Emergency Management & IT - Tim Hofbauer
12.a. Consideration of approval of an MOU with Platte Valley Conservation Group and authorize the Platte County Board Chair to sign the agreement
12.b. Consideration of approval of a quote from Applied Connective for fiber cable installation and network consolidation
13. Highway Department
13.a. Consideration of approval for the County to enter into a program agreement with the Nebraska Department of Transportation for the BIP - Loup Canal Bridges Federal Grant
13.b. Consideration of sale of a portion of property at 350th St West of 325th Ave
13.c. Consideration of approval to accept bid for a Motor Grader purchase
13.d. Consideration of Utility Permits for Midstates Data - Fiber Optic - G 3231, MF 36 3/4, <M 61. MO 136, N 67, MO 127, MO 112, MO 1211, MO 211
13.e. Road report
14. Treasurer - Jenny Reppert
14.a. Consideration of approval to correct receipt 25474
15. Consideration of payment for Granville Cemetery Mowing
16. Consideration of County Courthouse Basement Surplus
17. Consideration of Drug Court Computers
18. Committee Reports
19. Motion to accept, file, and credit the proper accounts on correspondence: Charter Communications - Channel Change Notice, State of NE, DEE-Notified County of Application Received - Modified Construction & Operating Permit for Lehr Inc. - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, Loup Valley Pork GDU Animal Feeding Operation, Issued Permit Transfer - Phased Construction and Operating Permit for Loup Valley Pork GDU Animal Feeding Operations, Issued Permit - Modified Construction and Operating for Lyle Herchenbach Livestock Animal Feeding Operation, City of Columbus - Notices of Hearings for Redevelopment Project, Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice - The Platte County Detention Center and Platte County Courthouse Jail were found to be in full compliance with the Nebraska Minimum Jail Standards at the time the annual inspection was conducted, Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District - Public Entity Funding, County Treasurer Receipts $951,010.67
20. Motion to approve claims
21. Public Comments
22. Motion to Adjourn to February 25th at 9:10 a.m.