February 18, 2025 at 7:00 PM - City of Fort Calhoun
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Call to Order
Compliance with Open Meetings Act – In accordance with Section 84-1412 sub section eight (8) of the Reissue Revised State Statutes of the State of Nebraska 1943, as amended, one copy of all reproducible written material to be discussed is available to the public at this meeting for examination and copying. Persons wishing to address the Governing Body on an agenda item shall wait to be identified by the Mayor/Presiding Officer; then, after stating their name and address for the record, may proceed to speak. No person, other than the Council and the person having the floor will be permitted to enter any discussion without the permission of the Presiding Officer. Remarks shall be limited to five minutes unless extended or limited by the Presiding Officer (Res. 2011-18, copy in book) *Please silence your phones and other devices during the meeting. |
3. Inform the public about the location of the Open Meetings Act posted in the Council Chambers and its accessibility to members of the public
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Consent Agenda
5.a. Approval of the minutes of the regular City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 21st
5.b. Approval of the Treasurers Report for January
5.c. Approval of the Park Committee minutes for Thursday, February 6th
5.d. Maintenance Report
5.e. Washington County Sheriff’s Statistics
6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda if any
7. Bills presented for payment for February
Presentations/guests/SDL & special requests
8. Jon and Doug Genoways to discuss trail and drainage issues at 922 Monroe St
Unfinished Business
9. City Engineer
9.a. Review the bids received for the 2023 Monroe Street Extension, Street Improvement District 2022-1, award a contract to the low bidder, M.E. Collins Contracting Co., Inc. of Wahoo, NE in an amount of $416,834.30 and authorize the mayor to execute the same.
9.b. Review and approve Amendment No. 1 from JEO Consulting Group’s November 21, 2022 task order in the amount of $26,750.00 to provide ROW acquisition assistance, services during construction by the engineer, construction staking, and project assessment documentation for the 2023 Monroe Street Extension, Street Improvement District 2022-1.
9.c. Review and approve Task Order 220002.02 from Embris Group, LLC in the amount of $49,600.00 to provide construction administration and part-time project representation for the 2023 Monroe Street Extension, Street Improvement District 2022-1.
9.d. Review and approve Change Order No. 02 for the Fort Calhoun Trail Extension Phase 3 & 4 project from NLC, LLC in the amount of $176,455.88.
9.e. Review and approve Pay Application No. 4 and Final for the Fort Calhoun Trail Extension Phase 3 & 4 project from NLC, LLC in the amount of $77,632.45.
Closed Session:
10. To discuss property negotiations
Return to Open Session: Time:
11. Action taken during closed session
Motion for Adjournment:
12. Motion_____ Second_____
Time: _______ |