March 9, 2023 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Roll call of members.
3. Flag Salute, Moment of Silence, and GOOD NEWS SPS.
4. Introduction of guests and public discussion by those who requested to speak to the board regarding any item on the agenda.
5. PROPOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS THE EVALUATION OF THE POSITION OF SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, AND TO DISCUSS THE EMPLOYMENT OF THOSE CERTIFIED AND/OR NON-CERTIFIED PERSONNEL LISTED IN AGENDA ITEMS 5.C. (1-3)-: and to have confidential communications with legal counsel regarding the settlement of claims against JUUL as listed in Agenda Item 5.D., PURSUANT TO 25 O.S. SEC. 307 (8) (1) (4) (7):
5.A. Consider and take necessary action to convene or not convene in executive session.
5.B. Return of the board to open session and the board president's executive session statement.
5.C. Board to discuss, consider and take necessary actions regarding the
Superintendent’s recommendations for items 5.C (1) – through – 5.D. |
5.C.1. Personnel Report: Including employee resignation(s) not known at the time of posting this meeting agenda; new hires/ temporary status; transfers; re-assignments; extra-duty assignments; and other conditions of employment.
5.C.2. Resignations (As accepted by the superintendent since the previous board
of education meeting). Peggy Robbins; Bobbi Sutherland; and Valerie Burnett (Retirements effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year): and Josh Edenborough resignation from Extra-Duty Coaching (effective at the end of the 2022-2023 school year). |
5.C.3. Continued employment (unassigned) of certified employees for the 2023-2024 School-Year, per Attachment A.
5.D. JUUL Litigation, “Government Entity Settlement Agreement.” (Frantz Law Group & Milestone Pathway, Settlement Administrator).
All the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all the items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
6.A. Minutes of the February 14, 2023, Regular Monthly Meeting.
6.B. Financial reports (Treasurer & Activity Fund Clerk)
6.C. Encumbrances and change orders
6.C.1. General Fund #11: #1024, 1029, 1078, 1094, 1211, 1283, 1285, 1392, 1395, 1417, 1423, 1432, 1439, 1440, 1444, 1445, 1448-1467, 1471, 1472 (Total: $113,826.40)
6.C.2. Building Fund #21: #22, 38, 47, 53 (Total= $176,215.00
6.C.3. Child Nutrition Fund 22: # 5, 11, 14, 18, 38, 39 (Total = $112,859.79)
6.D. Fundraiser requests
6.E.1. Audit Contract (2022-2023) and engagement letter with Bledsoe, Hewett & Gullekson audit firm effective through June 30, 2024;
6.E.2. Financial Accounting & Student Information Software agreements with Municipal Accounting Systems, Inc. (Wengage) effective through June 30, 2024;
6.E.3. Federal Programs Management, Interim Superintendent Staffing, and Instructional Leadership Coaching with Barlow Education Management Services, LLC, effective through June 30, 2024; and
6.E.4. Amended Agreement with Seminole State College for a Baseball Field Lease effective through June 30, 2023.
7. Board to discuss, consider, and take necessary action regarding the following board policies:
7.A. Policy EGG – “Prohibition of Race and Sex Discrimination in Curriculum and Complaint Process” – revisions/ updates 3.9.2023
7.B. Policy EMC-Graduation Exercises, Policy, and Student Handbook 3.9.2023 revisions/updates
8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: (Administrators, Principals, Assistant Superintendent, and Superintendent)
9. NEW BUSINESS: (Business, which was not known, and could not have reasonably been known prior to the 24-hour legal posting notice requirement for the agenda).