November 17, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Pledges of Allegiance
I.B. Awards and Recognitions
I.C. Citizen Participation
II. Superintendent's Report
II.A. Connally High School Innovative Academy Launch
II.B. Monthly Financial and Tax Collection Report
II.C. Monthly Construction and Facilities Update
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Consideration and Possible Approval of Meeting Minutes
III.A.1. October 6, 2016 Workshop Meeting
III.A.2. October 20, 2016 Special Meeting
III.A.3. October 20, 2016 Regular Meeting
III.B. Consideration and Possible Approval of Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisers
III.C. Consideration and Possible Approval for the Hendrickson and Pflugerville High School Forensics Students to Compete in the NSDA Nationals Tournament in Birmingham, Alabama
III.D. Consideration and Possible Approval for the Hendrickson and Pflugerville High School Forensics Students to Compete in the Extemp Tournament of Champions in Chicago, Illinois
III.E. Consideration and Possible Approval for the Hendrickson and Pflugerville High School Forensics Students to Compete in the Debate and Extemp Tournament of Champions in Lexington, Kentucky
III.F. Consideration and Possible Approval for Hendrickson High School Forensics Students to Compete in the Berkeley Tournament of Champions in San Francisco, California
III.G. Consideration and Possible Approval for Pflugerville High School Forensics Students to Compete in the Harvard Tournament of Champions in Boston, Massachusetts
III.H. Consideration and Possible Approval for Pflugerville High School Forensics Students to Compete in the Individual Events Tournament of Champions (TOC) in Kansas City, Missouri
III.I. Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchases in Excess of $50,000
III.I.1. University of Texas at Austin for Rental of the Frank Erwin Center for All Three High School Commencement Exercises for the 2016-17 School Year
III.I.2. MMA for Ingaged Disease Management Program
III.I.3. Compass Professional Healthcare Services for Annual Cost of Service Which Focuses on Decreasing PfISD and Employee Costs Associated with Healthcare, Dental, and Vision Claims
III.I.4. PBK for Architectural Fees for Renovations at Springhill Elementary
III.I.5. PBK for Architectural Fees for Copperfield Elementary Renovations
III.I.6. PBK for Architectural Fees for Northwest Elementary Renovations
III.I.7. PBK for Architectural Fees for Windermere Primary School Renovations
III.J. Consideration of Possible Approval of Change in Board Operating Procedures (BOP) to Align with Policy BED(LOCAL)
IV. Consideration and Possible Approval of Names for High School 4 and Elementary 21
V. AP Participation and Performance Increases Update
VI. Discussion Regarding Improvement on Special Education Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System (PBMAS)
VII. Advocacy/Legislative Update
VIII. Consideration of Future Meetings and Agenda Items
IX. Consideration and Possible Appointment of a Candidate to Fill Place 2 Vacancy (551.074)
X. Discussion Regarding Personnel Employment (551.074)
XI. Discussion Regarding the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (551.072)
XII. Discussion and Possible Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Status and Options Related to the Superintendent Contract (551.071, 551.074 and 551.129)
XIII. Closing