March 26, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Pledges of Allegiance
I.B. Awards and Recognitions
I.C. Citizen Participation
II. Superintendent's Report
II.A. Monthly Financial and Tax Collection Report
II.B. Monthly Construction and Facilities Report
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Consideration and Possible Approval of Meeting Minutes
III.A.1. February 5, 2015 Workshop Meeting
III.A.2. February 19, 2015 Regular Meeting
III.B. Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchases in Excess of $50,000
III.B.1. ACT for ACT Plus Writing for April 28, 2015 for approximately 1,785 Juniors and Seniors at 5 High School Campuses
III.B.2. Fred J. Miller, Inc. for Custom Double-Double Point “Power-Flex” Jackets
III.B.3. Dell for Computer Replacement Cycle - Laptop Replacements
III.B.4. Dell for Computer Replacement Cycle - All-In-One Desktop Replacements
IV. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Contract to Provide Elementary Music Instruments and Supplies
V. Consideration and Possible Approval of Student Travel to Compete in Debate Tournament of Champions
VI. Consideration and Possible Approval of Student Travel to Compete in the National Individual Debate Events Tournament of Champions
VII. Consideration and Possible Approval of Student Travel to Compete in the Extemp Tournament of Champions
VIII. Consideration and Possible Approval of Student Travel to Compete in the National Business Professionals of America Competition
IX. Consideration and Possible Approval of Student Travel to Compete in the Robotics World Championships
X. Board Committees Update
XI. Consideration of Future Meetings and Agenda Items
XII. Consideration and Possible Approval of Personnel Ratifications (551.074)
XII.A. Director of Federal and State Programs
XII.B. Director of Human Resources
XIII. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Cause No. 1:13-cv-00145-DAE; Lieu
Tran v. Pflugerville Independent School District; In the United States District Court, Western District of Texas, and Discussion Concerning Options for Resolution (551.071) |
XIV. Closing