August 17, 2006 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Recognitions
I.B. Citizen Participation
II. Consent Agenda
II.A. Consider Approval of Minutes
II.B. Consider Approval of Purchase Orders and Invoices in Excess of $15,000
II.C. Consider Approval of Assistant Principal -- River Oaks Elementary
II.D. Consider Approval of Contract for Property and Casualty Insurance
II.E. Consider Approval of Bid Award -- Screen Printed T-Shirts
II.F. Consider Approval of Out of State Travel -- CHS Band
II.G. Consider Approval of Annual Review of Policy CDA (Local) Other Revenues: Investments
II.H. Consider Approval of Construction Contract for HHS CTE Complex Phase II (CTE Building and Tennis Courts)
II.I. Consider Approval of Policy DNA (Local) Performance Appraisal: Evaluation of Teachers
II.J. Consider Approval of Bids Awarded Without Prior Board Approval
III. Action Items
III.A. Consider Approval of the Proposed 2006-07 Operating & Maintenance, Debt Service, and Food Service Budgets
III.B. Consider Approval of the Proposed 2006 Maintenance & Operating Tax Rate
III.C. Consider Approval of the Proposed 2006 Debt Service Tax Rate
III.D. Consider Approval of the PISD 2005-06 Final Amended Budget
III.E. Consider Approval of Authorization to Solicit Competitive Bids for the Sale of $40,000,000 of Unlimited School Building Bonds (2005 Authorization)
III.F. Consider Approval of Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Certain Costs
III.G. Consider Approval of Contract for Assessment Reporting Tool
III.H. Consider Selection of Delegate and Alternate Delegate to the 2006 TASB Annual Convention
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Monthly Financial Report
IV.B. Construction Update
V. Discussion Item
V.A. Discuss and Consider Possible Approval of Board Policy CW (Local) Naming of New Facilities
V.B. Discuss Future Meetings and Workshops and Possible Future Agenda Items
V.C. Discuss the Impact of TransTexas Corridor on PISD Tax Base and Economic Development