October 13, 2017 at 8:30 AM - Pawhuska Board of Education Special Meeting
Agenda | |
1. Call the Meeting to Order, recording of members present and absent, making of request that visitors silence their cell phones and that board members refrain from using their cell phones during the meeting.
2. Pledge of Allegiance, Salute to the Oklahoma Flag and Moment of Silence.
(I salute the flag of the State of Oklahoma. Its symbols of peace unite all people.)
3. Welcome to visitors.
4. Public Participation
"Visitors wishing to speak before the board on any item on the agenda must complete a card with name and purpose of address. A time limit may be imposed by the President."
5. Vote to approve closing split precincts in the School district election to be held Tuesday, February 13, 2018, with a run-off election to be held on April 3, 2018, if needed. (Precinct #'s: 102, 103, 110, 111, 113, 301, and 306)
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6. Discuss and vote to approve days of instruction not served due to gas seep and approve make up days.
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Dr. Neufeld shared options of make up days. Principals and She met : 7 days left Talked about making up 3 days at Christmas, since we get out Dec. 15. HS on improvement, receiving funds.
7. Discuss and vote to approve high school open campus lunch period and approve any changes to grade level lunch leaving campus.
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Attendance, tardies, etc
8. Discuss and vote to approve change of substitute teacher daily pay rate.
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9. Adjourn:
This agenda was posted in the Administration office and on the East door of the entrance of the Administration office on Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.; and is posted on the website at: www.pawhuskadistrict.org.
Briana Millard Deputy Clerk Pawhuska Board of Education
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.