Agenda |
Call Meeting to Order
The Board can discuss, make motions, and vote on any matter appearing on the agenda. Such motions and votes may be to adopt, reject, table, reaffirm, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item.
Flag Salute
Public Comment
The Board of Education invites public comment at this point in the regular meeting ONLY for items on tonight's agenda. Please sign up on the form provided prior to the meeting. Please Keep Comments to Five Minutes. Board members and administrative staff will not respond to questions from the public at the Board meeting. The Board will not be able to vote on matters brought forward by the public during participation time if such matters are not specific agenda items (Board Policy BDC).
Superintendent's Report
Construction Update
Legislative Update
Financial Update
Upcoming Board of Education Meetings (all in Board of Education Meeting Room)
Consent Agenda
All of the following items which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at Board meetings will be approved by one vote unless any Board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The Consent Agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and vote on items A through O.
Approval of Minutes as set out on Attachment "A"
Approval of Purchase Orders and Change Orders through June 13, 2017 as set out on Attachment "B"
Acceptance of Financial Reports for May 2017 as set out on Attachment "C"
Approval of Personnel - Appointments, Resignations, Changes of Status - as set out on Attachment "D"
Acceptance of Donations as set out on Attachment "E"
Acceptance of Treasurer's Report as set out on Attachments "F"
Acceptance of Activity Fund Report as set out on Attachment "G"
Declaration of Items as Surplus as set out on Attachment "H"
Approval of Lease Purchase Items as set out on Attachment "I"
Approval of agreement with Drayer Physical Therapy Institute, LLC for athletic training services as set out on Attachment "J"
Approval of a renewed agreement with K-9 Narcotics Detection for use of detection dogs as set out on Attachment "K"
Approval of Purchasing Agent, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Minutes Clerk, Deputy Minutes Clerk, Encumbrance Clerk, Assistant Encumbrance Clerk, Activity Fund Custodian and Assistant Activity Fund Custodian for the 2017-2018 school year as set out on Attachment "L".
Approval to authorize Mr. Chuck McCauley, Superintendent, as Purchasing Agent for Bartlesville Independent School District, Authorized Representative for all Federal programs including E-Rate and Child Nutrition, and Designated Custodian for the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund, bond fund, activity fund, all federal programs including E-Rate, all state programs, and all other school programs and activities not listed for the 2017-2018 school year.
Approval of a renewed agreement with Oklahoma Public Schools Unemployment Compensation Trust Account (OPSUCA) regarding unemployment representation as set out on Attachment "N"
Approval of Activity Fund Requests for Fundraising and/or Expenditures as set out on Attachment "O"
Action Topics
Consideration and vote to approve a Non-Exclusive Licensing Agreement with Roberts Document Solutions, Inc. d/b/a/ Moxie on Second as set out on Attachment "VII.A."
Consideration and vote to approve change order of $26,574.05 to Gorman Construction for Jane Phillips Elementary renovation as set out on Attachment "VII.B."
Consideration and vote to approve contract with SourceOne Management Services, Inc. to provide janitorial staff and services for the 2017-2018 school year as set out on Attachment "VII.C."
Public Comment
The Board of Education invites public comment at this point in the regular meeting for items NOT on tonight's agenda. Please sign up on the form provided prior to the meeting. Please Keep Comments to Five Minutes. Board members and administrative staff will not respond to questions from the public at the Board meeting. The Board will not be able to vote on matters brought forward by the public during participation time if such matters are not specific agenda items (Board Policy BDC). |
New Business
Under this item, the Board can consider and vote on any business that could not have been foreseen or known about at the time the agenda was posted.
Executive Session
Proposed executive session for the purpose of discussing the employment evaluation, related goals and contract for the Superintendent, the disclosure of which information would violate confidentiality requirements of state and/or federal law, as authorized by Okla. Stat. tit. 25, §307 (B) (1) & (7).
Vote to convene in executive session
Vote to acknowledge return to open session
Statement of minutes from executive session
Action Item
Consideration and vote to approve addendum to superintendent's contract.