February 8, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call to order and roll call
Pledge and moment of silence
Pledge of Allegiance to United States and Texas flags
Moment of silence
Awards and Recognitions
Recognize Gloria Fenner for her years of service to Karnes City ISD
Karnes City High School Band - All-State and State-Alternate qualifiers
Public Comments: (Comments and/or statements must be made in a civil and courteous fashion pursuant to Robert's Rules of Order and Board Policy.)
Public Hearing: Texas Academic Performance Report
A. Present Karnes City ISD Texas Academic Performance Report
B. Public comments regarding the report
C. Adjourn public hearing
Consent Agenda
Board meeting minutes - January 11, 2021 - Regular - January 11, 2021 - Special and January 28, 2021 - Special
Monthly district financial reports
Monthly bills
Budget summary
Investment report
Tax collection report
Items for consideration and possible action
Consider and take possible action regarding Invoices: eSchool, Inc.
Consider and take possible action to approve the application of a new credit card
Consider and take possible action regarding a budget amendment
Consider and take possible action regarding refund of overpaid taxes
Consider and take possible action to delegate authority to the Superintendent to negotiate and execute a final contract with PBK Architects, Inc.
Consider and take possible action regarding Policy Upate 116, as recommended by TASB Policy Service, affecting: (Legal)AIA, (Legal)AIB, (Legal)AIC, (Legal)BE, (Legal)BJCB, (Legal)C, (Legal)CBB, (Legal)CCG, (Legal)CE, (Legal)CFC, (Legal)CKB, (Legal)CO, (Legal)COA, (Legal)COB, (Legal)CQA, (Local)CQB, (Legal)CX, (Legal)DAA, (Legal)DBA, (Local)DCD, (Legal)DEAA, (Exhibit)DH, (Legal)DIA, (Legal)DP, (Legal)EHAC, (Legal)EHBC, (Legal)EIF, (Legal)EKB, (Legal)EKBA, (Legal)FDD, (Local)FFAC, (Legal)FFEB, (Legal)FFG, (Legal)FFH, (Legal)FL, (Local)GKA, (Legal)GNC, (Legal)GRA, & (Legal)GRAA
Consider and take possible action for Disciplinary Alternative Education (DAEP) Program
Consider and take possible action regarding request for new alcoholic beverage license application
Superintendent's Report
Karnes City High School Prom
PBK Presentation
TCG Group Holdings, LLP Presentation
Additonal Days School Year
Closed Meeting (Pursuant to Texas Gov't Code § 551.001 et seq)
Discuss employment (Texas Gov't Code § 551.074)
1. Renewal/extension of District Administrator contracts: Assistant Superintendent of C&I, Chief Financial Officer, Speical Programs Coordinator, Technology Director and Athletic Director
Reconvene from Closed Meeting and continue with items for consideration and possible action (pursuant to Texas Gov't Code § 551.102)
Consider and take possible action regarding employment
District Administrator contracts