May 9, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Modifications
IV. Presentation(s):
IV.A. Student Council Reports
IV.B. K-4 Math Update and Recommendation (Lisa King/Kyle Maginity) |
IV.C. ELA Curriculum Update (John Hertel / Mike Wilson)
IV.D. Morgan Shaw Update (Nik McLane)
V. Announcements and Comments
V.A. Superintendent
V.B. Board of Education
V.B.1. Board of Education Committee Reports
V.B.1.a. There is a Finance Committee meeting scheduled for May 24, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
V.B.1.b. Reproductive Health Committee Update
V.B.2. Board Comments
V.B.3. There is a Special Meeting scheduled for May 16, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
VI. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
VII. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Move by ___, support by___ that Consent Agenda items be adopted, as presented.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
VII.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Motion to approve the Board of Education meeting minutes of April 11, 2022.
VII.B. Business and Finance Items
VII.B.1. Payment of the Monthly Bills
Motion to approve the monthly bills
General Fund Expenditures: $194,013.90 Food Service Expenditures: $28,994.76 2020 Bond Expenditures: $390,229.45 Total Expenditures: $613,238.11
VII.B.2. Donation
Motion to approve the following donations in the total of $400 for the Middle School Pantry:
Melissa Lasater and Family - $300.00 Liane MacNaughton and Family - $100.00
VIII. Discussion Items
VIII.A. Char-Em ISD Budget
VIII.B. CTE Mileage Vote Results
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Char-EM Budget
Move by__, support by__ to confirm the 2022-2023 Char-Em ISD General Fund Budget Resolution.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__.
IX.B. K-4 Math Curriculum Resources
Motion by___, support by___, to approve the purchase of Zearn K-4 math curriculum resources for a current amount of $5,000 with additional yearly expenses, as recommended administratively.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__.
IX.C. Bid Award - High School ELA Textbooks
Motion by___, support by___, to award the bid to McGraw Hill - Study Sync in the amount of $65,869.55 to purchase high school ELA textbooks, as recommended administratively.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__.
X. Correspondence
XI. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XII. Closed Session
Motion by___, support by___, that the Board of Education convene into closed session at ___ p.m. to discuss employee contract negotiations.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
XIII. Open Session
Motion by __, support by __, to reconvene into open session at ___p.m.
Motion (carried/failed) __to__. |
XIV. Additional Action/Discussion Items (if any)
XV. Adjournment
Move by__, support by__ to adjourn the meeting at ___p.m.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |