March 10, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Presentation(s):
III.A. Student Council Reports
III.A.1. Middle School Student Council
III.A.2. High School Student Council
III.B. Boyne City Elementary School
III.C. Boyne City Middle School
Focus School Update
IV. Administrators' Highlights
V. Announcements and Comments by Superintendent and Board of Education
VI. Correspondence
VI.A. BCEA Correspondence
VI.B. Boyne Area Community Christmas Thank You
VII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
VIII. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Motion by _____, support by _____, "that the Consent Agenda Items for the March 10, 2015 meeting of the Board of Education be adopted, as presented."
VIII.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
VIII.A.1. Approval of Minutes
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the regular minutes of February 9, 2015 and the Workshop meeting minutes of February 23, 2015, as presented.”
VIII.B. Business and Finance Items
VIII.B.1. Payment of the Bills
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve Gross Payroll as paid in the amount of $776,313.03; General Fund bills as paid in the amount of $121,016.07; and Food Service bills as paid in the amount of $15,861.48, Capital Bond bills as paid in the amount $4,408.00, for a total of $917,598.58 for all funds."
VIII.B.2. Donation - Michigan Mountain Mayhem
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the donation from Michigan Mountain Mayhem in the amount of $130.00 for the 2015 Graduation Celebration Event, as recommended administratively".
VIII.B.3. Donation - Robotics
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the donation from Andre M. Poineau Woodworker, Inc. in the amount of $500.00 and Kilwin's Quality Confections, Inc. in the amount of $250.00 for the BC Blaze Robotics Team, as recommended administratively".
VIII.B.4. Donation - Lynda’s Real Estate Service
Motion: "that the Board of Education approve the donation from Lynda’s Real Estate Service in the amount of $150.00 for the support of the Elementary's Culture of Caring, as recommended administratively".
VIII.C. Personnel Items:
VIII.C.1. Resolution of Recognition for Outstanding Persons in Education Award Recipients
Motion "that the Board of Education recognizes the outstanding efforts of Susan Sharp and Rita Simon and congratulate them as recipients of the MEA's 2015 Outstanding Persons in Education Awards."
VIII.C.2. Resignation
Motion: "that the Board of Education respectfully acknowledge Dave Dipzinski's resignation for the purpose of retirement".
VIII.C.3. Schedule B Assignments
Motion: "that the Board of Education acknowledge Jessie King for the Varsity Girls Tennis coaching position and Levi Hoffman for the Varsity Track & Field Assistant, as recommended administratively".
VIII.D. Curriculum & Program Items:
IX. Board of Education & Committee Reports
IX.A. District School Wide Improvement Committee
IX.B. Building Trades Advisory Committee
X. Discussion Items
X.A. Board Representation for Negotiations Team
X.B. Proposal 1 Resolution
X.C. Genesis Church Lease
XI. Action Items
XI.A. Proposal 1 Resolution
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education support Proposal 1 on the May 5 statewide ballot to build Michigan's infrastructure by securing school funding and dedicating dollars spent at the pump for highway purposes".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XI.B. Genesis Church Lease
Motion by __, support by __, "that the Board of Education approve a facility-use lease with Genesis Church, as presented".
Motion (Carried/Failed)__to__. |
XII. Recess (if necessary)
XIII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XIV. Submit Lists of Meetings Attended
XV. Closed Session
XVI. Additional Action Items
XVII. Adjournment
Motion by ____, support by ____, "that the Board of Education adjourn the meeting at _____pm."
Motion (Carried / Failed) ___ to ___. |