September 15, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order.
1.A. Announcement by the chairman whether a quorum is present and that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in the time and manner required by law.
1.B. Moment of Silence.
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
2. Public Comment Period.
3. Presentation by La Pryor Elementary students for Diez y Seiz de Septiembre Celebration.
4. Closed Session: A closed session may be held under the provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Section 551.071 and 551.074. Discussion of Personnel Employment, Assignments, Suspensions, and Resignations.
4.A. Discuss employment recommendations.
4.B. Discussion of other personnel issues.
4.C. Discussion of substitutes for school year 2009-2010.
4.D. Discussion of Special Ed contracted consultants (orientation & mobility) for the 2009-2010 school year.
5. Reconvene from closed session for possible action relevant to items covered during closed session.
5.A. Consideration and possible action to approve employment recommendations.
5.B. Consideration and possible action to approve other personnel issues.
5.C. Consideration and possible action to approve substitutes for school year 2009-2010.
5.D. Consideration and possible action to approve the Special Ed contracted consultants (orientation & mobility) for the 2009-2010 school year.
6. Consent Agenda.
6.A. Approval of Minutes.
6.A.1. August 11, 2009 - Special Board Meeting.
6.A.2. August 17, 2009 - Special Board Meeting - Budget Workshop.
6.A.3. August 18, 2009 - Regular Board Meeting.
6.A.4. August 25, 2009 - Special Board Meeting-Budget Workshop.
6.A.5. August 27, 2009 - Special Board Meeting.
6.B. Approval of Monthly Bills.
6.C. Monthly Board Budget Report.
6.D. Tax Collection Report.
6.E. Zavala County Bank--Monthly District Financial Report.
7. Discussion and possible action to allow South Texas Rural Health Services to provide services to 7th - 8th grade students.
8. Discussion and possible action to amend testing dates on 2009-2010 school calendar.
9. Discussion and possible action to request county/state to place warning signs for cell phone usage in school zone.
10. Discussion and possible action to remove from the table the Resolution and Annual Investment Report for the 2008-2009 school year in accordance with Policy CDA (Local) and (Legal) which was tabled at the August 27, 2009 meeting.
11. Presentation and possible approval of Resolution and Annual Investment Report for the 2008-2009 school year in accordance with Policy CDA (Local) and (Legal).
12. Discussion and possible action on Board training calendar for 2009-2010.
13. Superintendent's Report.
13.A. TASB Leadership Times.
13.B. Nursing Services.
13.C. Cafeteria Services.
13.C.1. Meal Revenues.
13.D. Athletic Director's report.
13.E. Elementary Principal's report.
13.F. Secondary Principal's report.
13.G. Special Ed Director's report.
13.H. Business Office report.
13.H.1. FIRST Rating System information.
14. Adjournment.