May 13, 2013 at 8:00 PM - Regular May Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order
Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings: BOE Policy/Regulation 8346 outlines the parameters of public participation at Board meetings concerning items on the agenda as well as those not on the agenda. A copy of this policy is available in the Superintendent’s office and at each monthly Board meeting.
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Verification of Open Meetings Act Notice
1.3. Verification of publication of meeting notice
2. Consider and approve minutes from the April 8th Regular Board Meeting
3. Consider and approve the current board meeting agenda
4. Consider and approve bills
5. Visitors' Comments
6. Reports
6.1. Principal's Report
6.2. Superintendent's Report
1. Update on Obama Care & Financial Implications for the School. The 2013 school year will be the "look back window" during which we establish our staff members' employment status.
2. Homeland Security Courtesy Audit-Greg Hollingsed from the Office of National Homeland Security will be on site to conduct a 2-day courtesy audit of the school on August 20th & 21st. I'll follow up with a report of his findings to the board.
6.3. Board Members' Reports
6.4. Committee Reports
7. New Business
7.1. Planning
7.2. Policy Review
8. Action Items
8.1. Consider and approve providing $150 of sponsorship for ESU #11 Summer Honors Program Participants
The school has generously contributed $150 towards the tuition of each participant in the past. I'm verifying that the Franklin Public School Board wants to continue doing so for the 2013 Summer Honors Program.
8.2. Consider and approve pay increase for non-certificated staff members for the 2013-14 School Year as discussed
8.3. Consider and approve the annual buy from Apple Computers for computer equipment for the 2013-14 school year in the amount of $59,764.35 ($35,176.35 general fund and $24,588 REAP Funds)
These are for computers for the 1 to 1 student initiative. General Fund money and REAP Grant Money will be used to purchase these computers.
8.4. Consider and approve hiring of Jamie Silas as 6th grade teacher for the 2013-14 school year
The 2013-14 6th grade class is large and will need to continue to be split. Mr. Schroeder is recommending that Ms. Silas be hired in order to split the 6th grade class with Mrs. Bonham.
8.5. Consider and approve student lunch prices for the 2013-14 school year
Current meal prices are:
K-6 Breakfast: $1.35 7-12 Breakfast: $1.50 Adult Breakfast: $1.75 K-6 Lunch: $2.00 7-12 Lunch: $2.50 Visitor Lunch: $3.50 Staff Lunch: $3.00 Seconds: $0.50 According to the PLE calculation spreadsheet provided by the USDA, we are not required to raise lunch prices this year because we made a more than 10 cent increase in prices during the 2012-13 school year. However, due to the fact that we annually loose money on our lunch program and have to subsidize it through the general fund, I would recommend that we increase prices. The minimum lunch price the USDA recommends is $2.59. Additionally, I would recommend examining the impact that having an open campus lunch has on the lunch program. Lunch programs are intended to be not for profit, self-sustaining programs. Franklin Public Schools' has not been self-sustaining for years. We can continue to subsidize the lunch program from the general fund, but in order to be fiscally responsible, I would respectfully recommend that we should also explore all avenues available to increase lunch program revenues and reduce costs.
8.6. Consider and approve bus purchase in the amount of $48,000
Stacey would like to purchase an additional bus to replace one of the existing buses in the fleet. $40,000 was budgeted for bus replacement. $25,000 was budgeted for van replacement. He recommends purchasing the bus only and not replacing any of the vans this year. The total cost of the purchase would be $48,000.
8.7. Consider and approve first reading of Board Policies in 1000 series
8.8. Consider and approve first reading of Board Policies in 2000 Series
Motion to approve the first reading of Board Policies in 2000 series as presented and to repeal and rescind all existing Board policies that pertain to the same matters or that are otherwise conflicting, including without limitation existing policies
8.9. Consider and approve second reading of Board Policies in 3000 Series
At the April Board Meeting, the only policy that was discussed was policy # 3520. I talked with Stacey James and with area superintendents, fashioned wording in the policy that reflect the sentiments expressed at the April Board Meeting and have attached it for review. During the week following the April Board Meeting, I also sent the revised/suggested copy of the policy to the board members for review and posted it on the NASB EMeetings website for public review and comment. All of the other 3000 series policies have not been altered since they were presented for first round approval at the April meeting.
9. Discussion Items
9.1. Summer Projects
Attached you will find a bid that came in late. I'm attaching it to see if you want to pursue it.
Also, Shelley and I continue to work on getting prices for painting the elementary hallway and lockers for the space. The summer projects that were approved last month have been communicated to the winning bidders and we are developing schedules and plans to complete those.
9.2. Summer Retreat for Board Members & Administration
I'd like to begin planning for the summer retreat we have annually and take input on the format of the retreat.
9.3. Negotiations (Possible Executive Session)
Ron, John, & Raquel are the Negotiation Team Members representing the board. Attached you will find the initial request for information from the teachers. I'd like the board to let me know of any additional information or topic pertaining to negotiations they would like me to study this summer. I will plan to do a salary array comparison, as I've done in the past. I hope to have that done prior to September. If there is any other information the board would like me to gather, I'd like to be made aware of what that information is.
10. Positive Comments
11. Adjournment