September 18, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Citizen Communication
3.A. Public Comment for Non-Agenda Items
3.B. Public Address for Items on the Agenda
4. Action Item (s)
4.A. Consider and take possible action to Approve the Annual Financial Audit Report
Dusty Routh, Coleman Horton
4.B. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Coleman, Horton & Company, LLP 2023-24 Contract
Shannon Ramirez
5. DHS Campus Principal's Report
Juan Gonzalez
6. Administrative Reports and Discussion:
6.A. Central Office Reports
6.A.1. Superintendent's Reports
6.A.1.a. Monthly Report on Personnel, Safety, & Board Priorities: 1. Increase student success and continue a tradition of student achievement 2. Continue successful partnerships with the community, teachers and parents to support our schools and achieve student success 3. Align facilities and technology improvements with needs and career opportunities 4. Maintain Highly Qualified teachers and retain staff 5. Increase trade career opportunities and continue to develop enhanced technology resources for all students
6.A.1.b. Monthly Activity Calendar
6.A.1.c. District Activity Calendar
6.A.2. Director of Special Programs, Curriculum & Instruction, Abigail Beadle
6.A.2.a. Monthly Report on Federal/State Programs
6.A.3. Director of Student Services, Dawn Schneider
6.A.3.a. Monthly Report on Student Services, Testing and Assessment, and Other
6.A.3.a.1. STAAR/EOC Scores
6.A.4. Director of Special Education Monthly Report on Student Enrollment, ARDs, 504, and Training, Valerie Dykstra
6.B. Business Reports, Shannon Ramirez
6.B.1. Monthly reports on taxes, cafeteria, investments and cash flow
6.B.2. Payment of Bills
6.C. Directors' Reports
6.C.1. Monthly report on finances, department acquisitions, travel and student services provided.
6.D. Principals' Reports on Monthly Activities
6.D.1. Devine High School Principal's Report, Juan Gonzalez
6.D.2. Devine Middle School Principal's Report, Kandi Darnell
6.D.3. Devine Intermediate School Principal's Report, Michael Gomez
6.D.4. JJ Ciavarra Elementary School Principal's Report, Maggie Strickland
6.D.5. DLA/DAEP Principal's Monthly Report, JodiAnn Dzierzanowski
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Minutes of Board Meeting (s)
7.B. Approve Budget Amendment
7.C. Review District Investment Policy CDA (Local/Legal) Other Revenues: Investments and adopt resolutions
7.D. Approve Resolution Authorizing District Investment Officers
7.E. Adopt resolution for extracurricular status of 4-H organization and approve Adjunct Faculty Agreement with Medina County Extension office
7.F. Approve Donation from the Devine Education Foundation
7.G. Approve Donation from Athletic Boosters
7.H. PTO/Booster Club Financial Audits
8. Action Item (s)
8.A. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Devine Education Foundation Grants
Brenda Gardner, DEF
8.B. Consider and take possible action to change the November board meeting date.
Todd Grandjean
8.C. Consider and Take Possible Action to Approve Board Operating Procedures
Todd Grandjean
8.D. Consider and Take Possible Action to Adopt Resolution Regarding Texas Education Code Section 37.0814
Todd Grandjean
8.E. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding Board Policy FNCA (LOCAL) Student Dress Code
8.F. Consider and take possible action by resolution on the sale of district real property described below, pursuant to Local Government Code Chapter 272 and authorize the Superintendent or his representative to enter into a Real Estate Sale Contract with The City of Devine, and further authorize the President of the Board of Trustees to execute a deed and other documents necessary to effect the conveyance of the Property.
Property: A one acre tract of land out of Medina County Appraisal District Account No. R7010, and being out of that 36.13 acre tract conveyed to the Board of Trustees of the Devine I.S.D. from Daniec Land & Title Company, Inc. by Special Warranty Deed recorded under Document No. 2021010500 in the Public Records of Medina County, Texas.
Todd Grandjean
9. Closed Session
9.A. Personnel (TGC 551.074)
9.A.1. Personnel Update
9.A.2. Consider and Discuss Superintendent's Goals and Objectives
9.B. Considering discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel. (TGC 551.082)
9.C. Considering the deployment, specific occasions for, or implementation of, security personnel or devices (TGC 551.076)
10. Reconvene from Closed Session
11. Adjournment