June 10, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Public Comments
This is the portion of the Board meeting where the Board receives input from patrons. Each person who addresses the Board will have three minutes to speak on his or her issue. Because of topic posting requirements of the open meetings act, Board members will not ask questions of the patron and will not answer any questions posed to the Board by the patron. No action can be taken on any issue presented during this patron comment segment of the Board meeting. Patron[s] addressing the board will be notified when they are approaching the last thirty [30] seconds of their allotted time to speak.
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Financial Statements, May 2013
5.B. Check Payable, May 2013
5.C. Lunch Room Report, May 2013
5.D. Minutes of May 13, 2013 Regular Board Meeting
5.E. Minutes of the May 24, 2012 Special Board Meeting
6. Read Correspondence to the Board
7. Statement of Elected Trustees
8. Oath of Offices
9. Reorganization of the Board
10. Bid Proposals for Labor and Materials for a Parking Lot at Junior High School
11. Directors' Reports
11.A. Important Information:
11.B. Upcoming Events:
12. Principals' Reports
12.A. Enrollment:
12.B. Attendance:
12.C. Upcoming Events:
13. Superintendent's Report
13.A. Facilities
13.B. July Board Meeting
14. District Personnel:
14.A. New Contracts
14.B. Resignations
15. Real Property
16. Adjourn