December 16, 2024 at 8:15 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Open the Regular Meeting
1.1. Call to Order and Roll Call
1.1.1. Consider Excusing of Absent Board Members
1.2. Recognize Posting of the Open Meetings Act
1.3. Approval of Agenda
2. Consent Agenda
2.1. Approve the minutes of previous meeting(s)
2.2. Approve the Treasurers Report
2.3. Approve the General Fund Claims
2.4. Approve the Activity Fund Account
3. Public Comment
4. Administrator Reports
4.1. Elementary Principal Report
4.2. Secondary Principal Report
4.3. Superintendent Report
5. Discussion Items
5.1. Goals in Regard to the Master Calendar for 2025-26
6. Action Items
6.1. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action to Approve the Contract for Jason Cline as Superintendent of Schools
6.2. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action in Regard to the Formal Bid for Security Cameras and Controlled Door Access
6.3. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action in Regard to the Formal Bid for Controlled Entry Door Replacement
6.4. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action to Approve the Audit for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
6.5. Re-open the Quality Capital Project Undertaking Fund with Cornerstone Bank
6.6. Policy Revisions
6.6.1. Policy 2008: Meetings
6.6.2. Policy 3004.1: Fiscal Management for Federal Funds
6.7. Discuss, Consider, and Take Any Necessary Action to Approve the Donation by Cornerstone Bank to Replace the Football Scoreboard
7. Executive Session to Discuss Collective Bargaining for 2025-26
8. Adjournment