June 26, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on May 22, 2017.
3. Introductions/Presentations
3.1. Carly Van Dyke - Middle School/High School Vocal Music Teacher (Brian Eddy)
4. Public Comments
This is a time for the public to make comments during the meeting. When making comments, please state your name and then direct your comments to the President of the Imlay City Board of Education. Comments are limited to a maximum of five minutes per person. |
5. Approval of Bills in the Amount of $466,172.04
5.1. General Fund.................................$415,426.04
5.2. Lunch Fund......................................$50,746.00
6. Financial Report - Amy Swantek
7. Curriculum/Instruction Report - None
8. Administrative Reports - Dr. Stu Cameron
9. Board Committee Reports
9.1. Budget/Finance - Jim Preisel
9.2. Buildings/Grounds - Greg Dennis
9.3. Curriculum/School Improvement - Sharon Muir
9.4. Personnel/Policy - Dave Spoelma
9.5. Athletics - Doug Van Dyk
10. Informational Items
10.1. Employee Resignations
10.2. Board Member Resignation
11. Hearing Items - None
12. Action Items
12.1. New, Revised, and Replacement Board Policies (Consent Agenda)
12.2. Employment Contract
12.3. FY 2016-2017 General Fund and Lunch Fund Budget Amendment Resolution
12.4. FY 2017-2018 General Fund and Lunch Fund Budget Resolution
12.5. Annual Performance Review of all Probationary Teachers
12.6. Merit Pay for Teachers and School Administrators
12.7. Tentative Agreement: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Unit A
12.8. Tentative agreement: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Unit B
12.9. Employee Contract Renewals (Consent Agenda)
12.10. Tentative Agreement: Imlay City Federation of Teachers
12.11. Tentative Agreement: Imlay City Administrators
12.12. Superintendent Contract Agreement
12.13. Fiscal Organizational Meeting
13. Closing Announcements
14. Adjournment of Regular Board Meeting