July 13, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order; Pledge of Allegiance; Establishment of Quorum
2. Open Forum:
All matters listed under the CONSENT AGENDA are considered routine and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member(s) of the City Council requests one or more items be removed from the CONSENT AGENDA to the REGULAR AGENDA for separate discussion and action prior to the City Council's vote to adopt the CONSENT AGENDA. |
3. Approval of Minutes from:
6/28/21 Special City Council Meeting
4. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
On the recording plat application and authorizing the Mayor to sign the recording plat, subdivision construction agreement, and developer participation agreement for Horizon Town Center Unit Two (SUB002455-2020) legally described as being a portion of CD Stewart Survey No. 321, Town of Horizon City, El Paso County, Texas. Application submitted by Conde, Inc.
5. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
On a recording plat application and authorizing the Mayor to sign the recording plat for Tuscany Park Village Replat (RP002469-2021) legally described as being a portion of Section 30, Block 78 TSP 3 Tracts 1B, 8, 10 and a portion of section 31, Block 78, TSP 3 Texas and Pacific Railway Company Surveys, Horizon City, Texas, El Paso County, Texas. Application submitted by HZ Ventures LLC Series, D-Tuscany Ventures.
6. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
On a request to accept the street and drainage improvements as constructed with the Rancho Desierto Bello Unit 13 Phase 1 subdivision (SUB002464-2021) for maintenance and to accept the required maintenance bond.
7. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
On an update on the Capital Improvement Program.
8. Request to Excuse Absent Council Members:
9. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Finance Director
On setting the dates for the budget workshop, hearings on the City budget and tax rate and authorizing the Mayor to publish the proposed tax rate based on the filed budget. Recommended date for the budget workshop is July 27, 2021, tax rate hearing is September 14, 2021, and the budget hearing is September 14, 2021. All budget related meetings are scheduled to be held at 6:00 pm.
10. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Finance Director
On a CARES Act subrecipient/subcontractor agreement with El Paso County Emergency Services District No. 1 for COVID-19 emergency services related expenditures in an amount not to exceed $109,794.81.
11. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Finance Director
On the purchase of a remodeled pre-owned 28 x 60 office trailer from EMCO Machinery and Office Trailers for additional office space using CARES Act funding in an amount not to exceed $105,000.00 and to allow the Mayor or designee to issue purchase orders.
Mayor/HR Coordinator
2nd Reading of Ord ________, an Ordinance authorizing and allowing, under the act governing the Texas Municipal Retirement System, Restricted Prior Service Credit to employees who are members of the system for service previously performed for various other public entities for which they have not received credited service; and establishing an effective date for the ordinance.
13. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/HR Coordinator
2nd Reading of Ord ________, an Ordinance authorizing and allowing, under the act governing the Texas Municipal Retirement System, Restricted Prior Service Credit to employees who are members of the system for service previously performed for various other public entities for which they have not received credited service; and establishing an effective date for the ordinance.
14. Public Hearing:
Mayor/Planning Director
On a request for an exception to Chapter 14, Section 602.8 (Exhibit A), Subsection B.7 of the Municipal Code to allow for the sale of alcoholic beverages within 300 feet of a day care center for property located at 13650 Eastlake Blvd Suite A-106. Submitted by Miguel Ortiz.
15. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
On a request for an exception to Chapter 14, Section 602.8 (Exhibit A), Subsection B.7 of the Municipal Code to allow for the sale of alcoholic beverages within 300 feet of a day care center for property located at 13650 Eastlake Blvd Suite A-106. Submitted by Miguel Ortiz.
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance ___: An Ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning three parcels: parcel I from C-2 to R-2; parcel II from R-9/CO to R-2; and parcel III from R-9/CO to C-2; containing approximately 17.933 acres; being a portion of C D Stewart Survey No. 321, El Paso County, Texas; located north and east of the intersection of Town Center Dr. and Horizon Crossing St.; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
17. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance ___: An Ordinance adopting a zoning change within the municipal limits of the Town of Horizon City, Texas; rezoning three parcels: parcel I from C-2 to R-2; parcel II from R-9/CO to R-2; and parcel III from R-9/CO to C-2; containing approximately 17.933 acres; being a portion of C D Stewart Survey No. 321, El Paso County, Texas; located north and east of the intersection of Town Center Dr. and Horizon Crossing St.; and authorizing the notation of the change on the official zoning map of the Town; providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; and proper notice and hearing.
18. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
On a request to vacate an easement between 428 and 429 Cutler Place, Horizon City, Texas 79928, legally described as a parcel of land being the easterly portion of a platted walkway between Lots 31 & 32, Block 43, Horizon Heights Unit Ten, El Paso, County, Texas.
19. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
On a preliminary and final plat subdivision applications (#SUB002477-2021) for Aria Subdivision, legally described as a portion of the E1/2 of the SW1/4 of the SW1/4 of section 39, Block 78, Township 3, Texas and Pacific RR Co. Surveys, El Paso County, Texas. Application submitted by CAD Consulting Co.
20. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
On a final plat subdivision application (#SUB002478-2021) for Rancho Desierto Bello Unit 13 Phase 2, legally described as a portion of Leigh Clark Survey No. 297, Town of Horizon City, El Paso County, Texas. Application submitted by TRE & Associates, LLC.
Mayor/Planning Director
On a specific use permit application (#SUP002475-2021), for property located at 12504 Weaver Road, Horizon City, Texas, 79928, legally described as Lots, 1, 2, 3, portion of 14, Block 3, Horizon Industrial Park Unit One. The request is to allow the facility to maintain its existing level of operation while transferring ownership. Application submitted by Air Systems Components, Inc.
22. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
On a specific use permit application (#SUP002475-2021), for property located at 12504 Weaver Road, Horizon City, Texas, 79928, legally described as Lots, 1, 2, 3, portion of 14, Block 3, Horizon Industrial Park Unit One. The request is to allow the facility to maintain its existing level of operation while transferring ownership. Application submitted by Air Systems Components, Inc.
23. Discussion:
Mayor/Planning Director
On an update regarding the upcoming appointments/reappointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Adjustment.
24. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Asst. City Atty
Emergency Ordinance - On the adoption of an Ordinance to continue the Emergency Ordinance instituting emergency measures due to a public health emergency; severability clause; penalty as provided herein.
25. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Asst. City Atty
On a Resolution to suspend the proposed effective date of the proposed rate change of El Paso Electric Company’s Petition and Statement of Intent to Change Rates in compliance with PUC Docket No. 52195 providing the proposed Rate Change be approved on an interim basis, and Authorizing intervention at Public Utility Commission of Texas.
26. Executive Session
The City Council of the Town of Horizon City may recess into EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D, under Article 551.071 – Consultation with
Attorney; 551.072 – Deliberation Regarding Real Property; 551.073 – Deliberation Regarding Gifts and Donations; 551.074 – Personnel Matters; 551.076 – Deliberation Regarding Security Devices and 551.087 – Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations.