June 9, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular City Council Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order; Pledge of Allegiance; Establishment of Quorum
2. Open Forum:
All matters listed under the CONSENT AGENDA are considered routine and will be enacted in one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member(s) of the City Council requests one or more items be removed from the CONSENT AGENDA to the REGULAR AGENDA for separate discussion and action prior to the City Council's vote to adopt the CONSENT AGENDA.
3. Approval of Minutes from: May 12, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting
4. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
On an update on the Capital Improvement Program.
5. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Asst. City Atty
On Amendment No. 1 to Lease Agreement with KidsMar, LLC for the Courts/Police Department building located at 15001 Darrington Road.
6. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
On a request that the City Council reaffirm its approval of the final plat for Horizon Town Center Unit Two subdivision. Request submitted by Conde, Inc.
7. Request to Excuse Absent Council Members:
8. Public Hearing:
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance ____: An ordinance amending the Municipal Code of the Town of Horizon City, Texas, Chapter 14 (Zoning), Exhibit A (Zoning Ordinance), to revise and amend the following: 1) Subchapter 4 (Residential Districts) to add a residential district, amend development standards by revising lot and building sizes, setbacks, and revise regulations related to uses permitted by Specific Use Permit; 2) Subchapter 8 (General Provisions), Section 804 (Wall Standards) to revise the rear wall standards for rear walls on golf course lots; and providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; proper notice and hearing; the penalty being as provided in Section 810 of the City Code, Chapter __, Section __ of the Town of Horizon City, Texas, creating a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000.00.
9. Discussion and Action: This item will be postponed to the July 14, 2020 City Council Meeting
Mayor/Planning Director
2nd Reading of Ordinance ____: An ordinance amending the Municipal Code of the Town of Horizon City, Texas, Chapter 14 (Zoning), Exhibit A (Zoning Ordinance), to revise and amend the following: 1) Subchapter 4 (Residential Districts) to add a residential district, amend development standards by revising lot and building sizes, setbacks, and revise regulations related to uses permitted by Specific Use Permit; 2) Subchapter 8 (General Provisions), Section 804 (Wall Standards) to revise the rear wall standards for rear walls on golf course lots; and providing for the following: findings of fact; repealer; severability; proper notice and hearing; the penalty being as provided in Section 810 of the City Code, Chapter __, Section __ of the Town of Horizon City, Texas, creating a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000.00.
10. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Planning Director
This item was postponed at the 3/10/20, 4/14/20 and 5/12/20 Regular City Council Meetings.
On a replat application for Horizon Manor Unit Three Replat "A" (SUB #002434-2019), legally described as a portion of lot 19, Block 9, Horizon Manor Unit Three, Town of Horizon City, El Paso County, Texas. Containing 7.935 ± acres. Application submitted by CAD Consulting Co.
11. Discussion:
Mayor/Planning Director
On an update regarding the upcoming appointments/reappointments to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Adjustment.
12. Public Hearing:
Mayor/CIP Manager
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 0255, Amendment No. 02, amending Ordinance 0255 adopting the Municipal Budget for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year to allow for the budgeting and expenditure of Prior Year Fund Surplus (Net Excess Revenues in FY 2019 budget) for property acquisition; and providing for Repealer and Severability clauses.
13. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
2nd Reading of Ordinance No. 0255, Amendment No. 02, amending Ordinance 0255 adopting the Municipal Budget for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year to allow for the budgeting and expenditure of Prior Year Fund Surplus (Net Excess Revenues in FY 2019 budget) for property acquisition; and providing for Repealer and Severability clauses.
14. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
On the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Update.
15. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
This item was postponed at the 5/12/20 Regular City Council Meeting:
On the purchase agreement with the United States of America by and through the Federal Aviation Administration for the purchase of property generally located north of Darrington Rd. between Pawling Drive and Oxbow Drive for the Oxbow/Pawling Drainage Capital Improvement Project. |
16. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
On Change Order #3 to the construction contract with Hawk Construction for the Golden Eagle Park Improvements Solicitation No. CIP 2018-001 and authorizing the Mayor to execute the documents.
17. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
On Change Order #2 to the construction contract with Spartan Construction for Horizon Mesa park Improvements Project, Solicitation No. CIP 2018-002 (103) and authorizing the Mayor to execute documents.
18. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/CIP Manager
On the recommendations for Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Horizon City project requests to be submitted to the Metropolitan Planing Organization in response to the call for projects for the 2050 Regional Mobility Strategy MTP.
19. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Asst. City Atty
Emergency Ordinance - On the adoption to continue the Emergency Ordinance instituting emergency measures due to a public health emergency; severability clause; penalty as provided herein.
20. Discussion and Action:
On phasing the operations and schedule for reopening of City Hall and town facilities to the public.
21. Discussion and Action:
Mayor/Asst. City Atty
On request by Texas Gas Services, a division of ONE Gas, Inc., for written approval for continued use of financial instruments for hedging gas costs for 2020-2021 heating season.
22. Executive Session
The City Council of the Town of Horizon City may recess into EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D, under Article 551.071 – Consultation with
Attorney; 551.072 – Deliberation Regarding Real Property; 551.073 – Deliberation Regarding Gifts and Donations; 551.074 – Personnel Matters; 551.076 – Deliberation Regarding Security Devices and 551.087 – Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations.