July 16, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Moment of Silence
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Roll Call
V. Recommend approving the agenda of the Regular Board Meeting of July 16, 2019, with any corrections/deletions.
VI. Recommend approving the Minutes for the Public Hearing held on Tuesday, June 11, 2019; the Minutes for the Budget Workshop held on Tuesday, June 11, 2019; the Regular Board Meeting held on Tuesday, June 11, 2019; the Minutes for the Public Hearing held on Thursday, June 27, 2019 and the Minutes for the Special Board Meeting held on Thursday, June 27, 2019 with any corrections.
VII. Superintendent's Report
VII.A. Conference Presentation:
VII.A.1. Tax Collection Report
VII.A.2. Business/Financial Report
VII.A.3. Presentation of STAAR Test Results by Andrea Mungia, Curriculum & Instruction Director.
VII.A.4. Presentation on Raymondville ISD Food Service Department by Norma Cavazos, Food Service Director and Alfred Walker, Walker Quality Services.
VII.B. Standing Board Agenda Items:
VII.B.1. July and August Calendars
VIII. Public Audience
If you wish to address the Board of Trustees during the Public Audience portion of today’s meeting, please print your name on the form provided. According to Raymondville I.S.D. Policy BED (Local), only those persons (on the list) who request to speak shall be heard. The speaker shall limit remarks to five minutes. The Board shall allot no more than 30 minutes for the Public Audience portion of the meeting. Complaints and concerns for which other resolution channels are provided shall be directed through those channels. These complaints include complaints on the following subjects: employee complaints, termination of employment, student complaints, removal to alternative education program, and expulsion. If the Board President determines that a person has not attempted to resolve a matter administratively, the person shall be directed to the appropriate policy for attempted resolution before bringing the matter to the Board. Complaints against specific employees or officers of Raymondville I.S.D. shall be heard in Closed Meeting, as authorized by the Texas Government Code Title 5-Section: 551.074 (1) and (2). If your topic concerns complaints against specific employees or officers, please note this on the sign-up sheet. You must make your points on issues in a constructive and courteous fashion pursuant to Robert’s Rule of Order. |
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Recommend approval of the following General FunctionItems:
IX.A.1. Recommend to approve the adoption of Update 113 Local Policy.
IX.A.2. Recommend approval of the resolution to pay employees during the early closure for which the workday will not be required to be made up at a later date.
IX.B. Recommend approval of the following Contracts and Agreements:
IX.B.1. Recommend approval of the cost of a one-year cooperative agreement with Region One ESC Library Services and Instructional Resources Virtual Library Cooperative.
IX.B.2. Recommend approval of agreement between RGV LEAD and Raymondville School District for the 2019-2020 school year.
IX.B.3. Recommend approval of membership agreement between Lead4ward Academy of Reading and Writing and Raymondville School District for the 2019-2020 school year.
IX.B.4. Recommend approval of payment to Mercedes ISD in the amount of $35,667 from Fund 313-IDEA B Formula and $4500 from Fund 437 for the school year 2019-2020. (Wil-Cam Coop)
IX.B.5. Recommend and approval on the revised Wil-Cam Coop Shared Service Arrangement Agreement,
IX.B.6. Recommend the approval of the agreement for delinquent tax collection services between Raymondville Independent School District and Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP.
IX.B.7. Recommend approval of the ESC-20 Participation Commitment Agreement between the Region 2013 Purchasing Cooperative and the Raymondville Independent School District in the amount of $875.00 from the Local Maintenance Fund for the 2019-2020 school year.
IX.B.8. Recommend the approval of the addendum to the agreement between Raymondville Independent School District and Walker Quality Services.
IX.C. Recommend approval of the following payment(s):
IX.C.1. Recommend approval of payment to Skyward Inc. in the amount of $59,641.00 from General Fund 199.
IX.C.2. Recommend approval of payment to The Bank of New York Mellon in the amount of $258,100.00 from Debt Service Fund 599.
IX.D. Recommend approval to Award Bids / Proposal(s):
IX.D.1. Recommend approval to award RFP#18-004 consultant/speaker services district wide to Bilma Paez-Moreno, M. Ed. Subject to the District's needs and funding.
IX.D.2. Recommend approval to award RFP#19-029 Moving Van Rental to Storage Place. Subject to the District's needs and funding. (Annual Bid)
IX.D.3. Recommend approval to award RFP #19-031 network installation and repair district wide to Garza Communication and BridgeNet Communication. Subject to the District's needs and funding. (Annual Bid)
IX.D.4. Recommend approval to award RFP #19-032 building supplies and materials district wide to Alamo Lumber Co. Subject to the District's needs and funding. (Annual Bid)
IX.D.5. Recommend approval to award RFP #19-033 fire alarm, sprinkler system and backflow district wide to Superior Alarms. Subject to the District's needs and funding. (Annual Bid)
IX.D.6. Recommend approval to award RFP #19-034 student and employee on-site drug screening and DOT exam to Norton Medical Industries. Subject to the District's needs and funding. (Annual Bid)
IX.D.7. Recommend approval to award RFP #19-035 fire extinguishers district wide to City Wide Fire Protection. Subject to the District's needs and funding. (Annual Bid)
IX.E. Recommend approval to Solicit Bids / Proposal(s):
IX.E.1. Recommend approval to solicit a Request for Proposal for concrete labor service district wide. (Annual Bid)
IX.E.2. Recommend approval to solicit a Request for Proposal for golf supplies and equipment district wide. (Annual Bid)
IX.E.3. Recommend approval to solicit a Request for Proposal for power lifting supplies and equipment district wide. (Annual Bid)
IX.E.4. Recommend approval to solicit a Request for Proposal for glass installation district wide. (Annual Bid)
IX.E.5. Recommend approval to solicit a Request for Proposal for Special Education Services for the Wil-Cam Coop. (Annual Bid)
IX.F. Recommend approval of the following Budget Amendment:
IX.F.1. Recommend to approve the attached Budget Amendments.
X. CLOSED MEETING: as pursuant to the Texas Government Code Section: 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.082, 551.084 and 551.001.
X.A. Personnel Matters:
X.A.1. Resignation(s)
X.A.2. New Hire(s)
X.B. Consultation with Attorney regarding threatened and pending litigation:
A. Recommend approval on personnel matters discussed in Closed Meeting. Motion___________ Second_________ Vote__________ B. Recommend approval on litigation matters discussed in Closed Meeting. Motion___________ Second_________ Vote__________ |
XI. Announcement(s):
XI.A. The next scheduled Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees’ will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Raymondville I.S.D. Boardroom.
XII. Adjournment
Motion___________ Second_________ Vote__________ |