June 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Moment of Silence
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Roll Call
V. Recommend approving the agenda of the Regular Board Meeting of June 10, 2014, with any corrections/deletions.
VI. Recommend approving the Minutes for the Special Board Meeting held on Tuesday, May 6, 2014; the Food Service Workshop held on Tuesday, May 6, 2014; the Regular Board Meeting held on Tuesday, May 13, 2014; the Special Board Meeting held on Thursday, May 15, 2014; the Budget Workshop held on Tuesday, May 20, 2014, with any corrections.
VII. Superintendent's Report
VII.A. Conference Presentation:
VII.A.1. Raymondville High School Band student UIL State Contest recognitions
VII.A.2. Tax Collection Report
VII.A.3. Business/Financial Report
VII.A.3.a. Payment of Bills
VII.A.4. Presentation on the 2014 April and May STAAR Results for Grades 3rd through 8th by Abiel Cantu
VII.A.5. Presentation on the 2014 April and May EOC Results for Raymondville High School and Raymondville Options Academic Academy by Abiel Cantu
VII.A.6. Presentation on the 2014 March/April TAKS/TAKS M Results for Raymondville High School and Raymondville Options Academic Academy Grades 11th and Exit Level by Abiel Cantu
VII.A.7. Presentation on the 2014 TELPAS Results for Grades 3rd through 12th by Abiel Cantu
VII.A.8. Presentation on the University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB) June 9-12, 2014 STEM Program at UTB, Sabal Palms and South Padre Island by Benjamin Clinton
VII.A.9. Presentation on Raymondville Options Academic Academy by Frank L. Garcia
VII.A.10. Presentation on the Raymondville Options Academic Academy Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) by Frank L. Garcia
VII.A.11. Presentation on the Waiver Request related to students taking Dual Credit Courses at Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) when the Summer Dual Credit Course(s) begin prior to the end of the District's School Year by Benjamin Clinton
VII.A.12. Presentation on the Raymondville ISD Summer School Programs and Logistics by Dr. SantaPaula Garcia
VII.A.13. Presentation on the approval of Plan of Finance and Underwriters for series 2014 refunding bonds by Dr. Miguel De Los Santos with the firm of Estrada Hinojosa & Company, INC.
VII.B. Standing Board Agenda Items:
VII.B.1. May, June and July Calendars
VIII. Public Audience
If you wish to address the Board of Trustees
during the Public Audience portion of today’s meeting, please print your name
on the form provided. According to
Raymondville I.S.D. Policy BED (Local), only those persons (on the list) who
request to speak shall be heard. The
speaker shall limit remarks to five minutes.
The Board shall allot no more than 30 minutes for the Public Audience
portion of the meeting. Complaints and
concerns for which other resolution channels are provided shall be directed
through those channels. These complaints
include complaints on the following subjects:
employee complaints, termination of employment, student complaints,
removal to alternative education program, and expulsion. If the Board President determines that a
person has not attempted to resolve a matter administratively, the person shall
be directed to the appropriate policy for attempted resolution before bringing
the matter to the Board. Complaints
against specific employees or officers of Raymondville I.S.D. shall be heard in
Closed Meeting, as authorized by the Texas Government Code Title
5-Section: 551.074 (1) and (2). If our topic concerns complaints against
specific employees or officers, please note this on the sign-up sheet. You must make your points on issues in a constructive
and courteous fashion pursuant to Robert’s Rule of Order.
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.A. Recommend approval of the following Budget Amendment:
IX.A.1. Recommend to approve TTIPS Grant Budget Amendment #14-029 in the amount of $259,210 Fund 276 to be reallocated as indicated above to correct the ledger.
IX.A.2. Recommend to approve the Budget amendment #14-030 to unreserve and reserve fund balance for professional services in the amount of $147,171.22 from Fund Balance fund 101.
IX.B. Recommend approval of the following General Function Items:
IX.B.1. Recommend to approve the lease agreement and its terms between the Raymondville Independent School District and the County of Willacy, Texas for the purpose of constructing a Safe Shelter for the County.
IX.B.2. Discussion and possible action regarding modification of Board Policy DED(Local). Amend policy for the 2014-2015 school year in regards to Good Friday to Easter Monday.
IX.B.3. Consider and approve an order authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of Raymondville Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, delegating certain authority to the President of the Board of Trustees of the school district and the Superintendent of Schools pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Sections 1207.007 and 1207.008; leyving a continuing direct annual ad valorem tax; authorizing the advance refunding of certain outstanding bonds; authorizing the execution of the bond purchase contract; approving an official statement, execution of an escrow and trust agreement, the subscription and purchase of certain federal securities, and making other provisions regarding such bonds and maters incident thereto.
IX.B.4. Recommend approval of RBC Dain Rausher as Underwriter for the Series 2014 Refunding Bonds.
IX.B.5. Recommend to approve the First Reading of District Policy FNF (LOCAL).
IX.B.6. Recommend to approve the Raymondville Options Academic Academy for the 2014-2015 school year.
IX.B.7. Recommend to approve the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) Application for the 2014-2015 school year, for targeted students attending Raymondville Options Academic Academy.
IX.B.8. Recommend to approve RISD's request for a waiver to TEA related to RHS students taking dual credit courses at IHEs when the Summer Dual Credit courses begin prior to the end of the District's school year.
IX.C. Recommend approval of the following Contracts and Agreements:
IX.C.1. Recommend approval of the ESC-20 Participation Committment Agreement between the Region 2013 Purchasing Cooperative and the Raymondville Independent School District in the amount of $875.00 from the Local Maintenance Fund for the 2014-2015 school year.
IX.D. Recommend approval of the following payment(s):
IX.D.1. Recommend to aprove Raymondville High School students' participation in the University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB) Summer 2014 STEM Program June 9-12, 2014 in the amount of $3,000 paid with TTIPS Grant Fund 276.
X. CLOSED MEETING: as pursuant to the Texas Government Code Section: 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.082, 551.084 and 551.001.
X.A. Personnel Matters:
X.A.1. Resignations
X.A.2. Rescinding of termination of 2013-2014 probationary contract at the end of the school year from previous Board Meeting.
X.B. Consultation with Attorney regarding threatened and pending litigation:
(BOARD RECONVENES AFTER CLOSED MEETING) A 1. Recommend approval on personnel matters discussed in Closed Meeting. Motion___________ Second_________ Vote__________ A 2. Recommend approval on personnel matters discussed in Closed Meeting. Motion___________ Second_________ Vote__________ B. Recommend approval on litigation matters discussed in Closed Meeting. Motion___________ Second_________ Vote__________ |
XI. Announcement(s):
XI.A. The next scheduled Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Trustees’ will be held on Tuesday, July 8, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Raymondville I.S.D. Boardroom.
XII. Adjournment
Motion___________ Second_________ Vote__________ |