June 23, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order/roll call/adoption of agenda/consent grouping
2. * Approval of the regular and Closed Session minutes from the June 9, 2013, Board Meeting.
3. * April 2014 Finance Report
4. Communications
5. Special Presentations
5.a. Library Millage - Bill Harmer
6. * Staff Reports
6.a. High School - Mike Kapolka
6.b. Beach Middle School - Nick Angel
6.c. Executive Director of Business and Operations - Teresa Zigman
6.d. Executive Director of Instruction - Julie Deppner
6.e. Athletic Director - Robin Raymond
7. Board Member Reports
8. Public Input
9. Superintendent/Board Discussion
10. * Consent Action Items:
10.a. Action Item 91-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the administrator contracts.
10.b. Action Item 92-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the the 2014-2015 requests for Leaves of Absence.
10.c. Action Item 93-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the 2014-2015 Board Meeting dates.
10.d. Action Item 94-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the high school Music department's field trip request to New York.
10.e. Action Item 95-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the Varsity Boys Soccer field trip request to Bayshore Camp, Sebewaing, MI from August 15 through August 18, 2014.
10.f. Action Item 96-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the Updated Flex Benefits Agreements.
10.g. Action Item 97-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the purchase of Security Cameras.
10.h. Action Item 98-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board accept a donation in excess of $1,000 from Rhone Scholarship which is maintained through Chelsea High School and benefits our Independence Hall program.
10.i. Action Item 99-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board accept a donation in excess of $1,000 from Dr. Thomas Haverbush for Chelsea House Orchestra.
11. *Individual Action Items
11.a. Action Item 100-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board designate Chelsea State Bank as the District’s depository for the 2014-15 school year. The accounts are the 2013 Debt Retirement Fund, the 2012 Debt Retirement Fund, the 2009 Debt Retirement Fund, the 2008 Debt Retirement Fund, the 2006 Debt Retirement Fund, the General Fund, Payroll, Cafeteria, Sinking Fund, the 2009 Bond Fund, the 2004 Bond Fund,the 2012 Bond Fund, the North Creek Elementary, South Meadows, Beach Middle School and Chelsea High School Activity Accounts, Athletics, Special Olympics Fund, the Steven E. Lewis Memorial Fund, the Peabody Scholarship Fund, the CSD Memorial Fund, the CSD ADN Insurance Fund, the NGS Insurance Fund and the NGS Flex Spending Account.
11.b. Action Item 101-12-13. Superintendent Ingall recommends that the following persons are hereby authorized to sign checks drawn against various funds as indicated in the chart below, and that the Board Treasurer, Finance Coordinator, Executive Director of Business and Operations, and the Superintendent of Schools are authorized to endorse checks “For Deposit Only.”
11.c. Action Item 102-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Executive Director of Business and Operations, or designee, and the Superintendent be authorized to transfer funds by electronic transfer, except where a check is specifically required.
11.d. Action Item 103-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Secretary of the Board be authorized to sign promissory notes, State Aid notes, tax anticipation notes, or any other document authorized by and on behalf of the Board. Any other officer of the Board may sign documents of the Board in the absence of any other officer.
11.e. Action Item 104-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board retain the legal firms of Varnum, Riddering, Schmidt & Howlett, LLP, and Thrun Law Firm, PC, to represent the District during the 2014-15 school year, and the Superintendent shall be authorized to engage other specific legal counsel, as the need may arise.
11.f. Action Item 105-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board appoint the Executive Director of Business and Operations as the Election Administrator and Deputy to the Board Secretary for election-related matters, and Deputy to the Board Treasurer to perform the duties required of the Board Treasurer.
11.g. Action Item 106-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board set the fee for providing hard copies of the Board Meeting Agenda Packet for individuals, organizations, firms, or corporations at $50.00 per year (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015), according to MCL 15. 266.
11.h. Action Item 107-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board join the MASB for the 2014-15 school year.
11.i. Action Item 108-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board join the MHSAA for the 2014-15 school year.
11.j. Action Item 109-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve the Preliminary Budgets for 2014-2015, as presented at the Budget Hearing.
11.k. Action Item 110-13-14. Superintendent Ingall recommends the Board approve 2013-2014 Debt Fund Amendment.
11.l. Action Item 111-13-14: Superintendent Ingall received a Highly Effective rating on his annual evaluation. The Chelsea School Board recommends that Superintendent Ingall’s contract of employment with the Chelsea School District be extended one year, through June 30, 2017.
12. * Information/Discussion
12.a. BMS 8th grade Washington DC field trip request.
12.b. Board Committees/Liaison Assignments
13. Public Input
14. Superintendent Report
15. Commendations/Thank-you's
16. Upcoming Events
17. Closed Session for the purpose of student discipline. (MCL, 380.503)
18. Other
19. Closed Session, for the purpose of the CEA negotiations. (MCL 380.503)
20. Other
21. Adjournment