August 21, 2006 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Routine Business
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Invocation
I.C. If, during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Local Board is required, or should be held in relation to any item included in this notice, then such closed or executive meeting or session can be held as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 ET Seq. should any action be required in the opinion of the Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed or executive session, then such action shall be taken at the open meeting covered by this notice upon the reconvening of the open session of this public meeting or at a subsequent public meeting of the Board upon notice thereof, as the Board shall determine.
II. Public Employee Forum
II.A. The first thirty minutes of each regular board meeting shall be used as a forum for the public or empoyees to preent items of information to the Board of Education in open session. Each speaker that is recognized shall limit the presentation to five minutes. A delegation of five or more persons shall appoint one person to present their view to the Board. The Board may not legally take action on items not listed on the posted agenda.
III. Board of Trustees-Unopposed Candidate Installation
III.A. Oath of Office- Mr. Lon Hubbard
IV. Recognitions
IV.A. Bridge City High School U.S. Department of Education-Cheryl Royal
IV.B. Bridge City High School Graduate Casey Smith Recognition
IV.C. Bridge City High School Cheerleaders
V. Consent Action Items
V.A. Approve Minutes July 6, 2006 Called Meeting and July 17, 2006 Regular Board Meeting
V.B. Report on Tax Collections
V.C. Cash Investment Report
V.D. Financial Report
V.E. Disbursements for Approval
V.F. Budget Amendments
V.G. Utilities
V.H. Fundraisers
V.I. Consent Action Sheet
VI. Transportation
VI.A. Information Item
VI.A.1. Transportation Update-John Scales
VII. Facilities
VII.A. Information Item
VII.A.1. Construction Update-John Scales
VIII. Finance
VIII.A. Information Items
VIII.A.1. Tobacco Compliance Grant Award
VIII.A.2. Superintendent Donations
VIII.B. Action Items
VIII.B.1. Board Donations
IX. Instruction
IX.A. Information Item
IX.A.1. Prevention Awareness Material
IX.A.2. Law Conference for Educators
X. Policies
X.A. Information Item
X.A.1. Team of Eight Training
X.B. Action Items
X.B.1. Surplus Items
X.B.2. Adult Meal Price
X.B.3. City of Bridge City Agreement
X.B.4. Policy EIA Local
XI. Closed Session
XI.A. The open session of the meeting will adjourn. The Board of Trustees will convene in Closed Session to discuss matters concerning personnel under Tex. Govt. Code Sect.551.001, Paraprofessional and Support Staff (Tex. Govt. Code Sect. 551.074), Teachers and Administrators (Tex. Govt. Code Sect. 551.074), discussion of Discipline of Students (Tex. Govt. Code Sect. 551.082), discussion of Purchase, Lease, or Exchange of Real Property (Tex. Govt. Code Sect. 551.072), discussion for the purpose of a private consultation with the Board’s Attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law. (Tex. Govt. Code Sect. 551.071).
The Board of Trustees will reconvene in open session for action to be taken on items discussed in closed session.
XII. Personnel
XII.A. Resignations
XII.A.1. William Dotson, Bridge CIty High School Teacher/Coach
XII.B. Employment
XII.B.1. Linda Robinson, Middle School Title I
XII.B.2. Rebecca Nichols, Hatton Elementary Kindergarten Teacher
XII.C. Personnel Action Sheet
XIII. Adjourn