November 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM - BOARD OF EDUCATION
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. District's Mission & Vision
5. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
6. Guest or Citizen Introduction Agenda/Non-Agenda Items
7. Guest/Citizen Comment - Agenda Items
8. Presentations, Discussions & Information
8.a. Fall NEOLA Update
9. Action Item
9.a. Bond Proposal - motion to approve the bond proposal as presented. Roll call as follows:
9.b. Go Fan (Athletics) - motion to accept the participation of Go Fan online ticket purchasing system as recommended by Athletic Director Mike Quinn and Superintendent Duits. Roll call as follows:
9.c. Transportation Bus Purchase - motion to approve the purchase of the 2023 Thomas 77-Passenger School Bus as recommended by Operations and Transportation Director Nick Chase and Superintendent Duits. Roll call as follows:
9.d. Approval of Hire - motion to approve the hiring of Scott Brown as Finance Director as recommended by Superintendent Duits. Roll call as follows:
9.e. Reassignment of Financial Accounts - motion to approve Scott Brown, new Finance Director, to be added to the Lakewood Public Schools financial accounts at Union Bank and all other financial institutions effective November 26, 2024, and to remove Jammie Sprank, former Finance Director, from all Lakewood Public Schools financial institutions effective November 30, 2024. Roll call as follows:
10. Guest/Citizen Comment - Non-Agenda Items
11. Closed Session - motion to closed session
11.a. 8(a) - Superintendent's Evaluation
12. Return to Open Session - motion to return to open session
13. Board's Statement of Superintendent's Evaluation
14. Superintendent's Report
15. Board Comments
16. Adjournment
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in agenda item Public Comment. |