November 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
Notice: Pursuant to the Governor Abbott’s Temporary Suspension of Open Meetings Laws issued on March 16, 2020, to advance the public health goal of limiting face to face meetings (also called "social distancing"), this meeting may be documented via telephone conference or videoconference, which will be audible to the Board and public and allow for two-way communication. The Board President, presiding officer or trustees may not be physically present at one location but a quorum will be required for the meeting on the videoconference or phone. The public may access this meeting: See Meeting ID below and or Phone Number. An electronic copy of the agenda packet may be viewed at the following link A recording of the meeting will be available for viewing on the District’s website. If you wish to address the Board of Trustees on an agenda or non-agenda topic for regular meetings or an agenda item the President or designee will call for public comments at the beginning of the meeting. All other public comment rules will be followed. After the close of public comment, the Board will proceed with the rest of the agenda that may be viewed or heard by the public online or on the phone. Phone Numbers (US)+1 304-945-3640 PIN: 254 917 225# |
2. Public Comment
3. Recognition
3.A. National Merit Hispanic Scholar - Congratulations to Manna Trevino.
The NHRP-National Hispanic Recognition Program helps in identifying the academically talented Hispanic high school students. Every year nearly 250,000 Hispanic/Latino students take the PSAT/NMSQT out of which 7,000 students are recognized and are made eligible to apply for the program. The NHRP is a part of the Collegeboard that identifies Hispanic high school students with excellent academic recognition who have taken the Preliminary SAT/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) and the students share the information about their academic achievement with subscribing colleges and universities. It recognizes only 5000 Hispanic/Latino juniors from nearly 400,000 juniors who take the PSAT. |
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Governance
4.A.1. Consider Approval of Minutes
4.A.1.a. October 27, 2020 - Regular
4.B. Business and Support Services
4.B.1. Review of Monthly Financial Report for Month of October 2020.
4.B.2. Review of Checks Written for the Month of October 2020.
4.B.3. Resolution to Commit Fund Balance.
4.B.4. SZH Invoices
4.C. Personnel
4.D. Curriculum and Instruction
4.D.1. New Course Offerings for the 2021-2022 School Year
4.E. Students
5. Presentation Items
5.A. Governance
5.B. Business and Operations
5.C. Curriculum and Instruction
6. Discussion and Action Items
6.A. Curriculum and Instruction
6.A.1. District & Campus Goals & Objectives
6.B. Business and Operations
6.C. Governance
7. Review Items
7.A. Curriculum and Instruction
7.B. Business and Operations
7.C. Governance
8. Closed Session:
8.A. Texas Government Code § 551.074 (1) PERSONNEL MATTERS, to Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee
9. Personnel
9.A. Middle School Principal
10. Superintendent's Report
10.A. Governance
10.A.1. Monthly SRO Report
10.A.2. Filling A Vacancy
10.B. Business and Support Services
10.B.1. Facilities
10.B.1.a. Flag Pole
10.B.1.b. Northside Special Ed Classroom
10.B.1.c. Groundbreaking
10.B.2. Transportation - Road Closures
10.C. Personnel
10.D. Curriculum and Instruction
10.D.1. DWEIC
10.D.2. Calendar Committee
10.D.3. Attestation for Terminating Remote Learning for Individual Students
10.E. Students
10.F. Community and Governmental Relations
11. Adjournment