July 23, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Presentation Items
3. Closed Session:
4. Superintendent's Report
4.A. Personnel
4.B. Curriculum and Instruction
5. Adjournment
6. Public Comment
7. Recognition - LaShelle Hlavaty
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Business and Support Services
8.A.1. Review of Checks Written for the Month of June 2019
8.A.2. Budget Amendment - Debt Service Payment
8.A.3. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with Upbring Head Start
8.A.4. Consider Approval of Special Education Cooperative Resolution
8.B. Curriculum and Instruction
9. Governance
9.A. Consider Adoption of Policy Update 113
10. Consider Approval of the Minutes
11. June 25, 2019 - Regular Meeting
12. Approve Additional Statement to Discretionary Leave Policy DEC(LOCAL)
13. Consider Approval of Student Code of Conduct as Prepared by TASB
14. Review of Monthly Financial Reports
15. Review of Application No. 2. from Polasek Construction - El Campo High School Fencing Project
16. Budget Amendment - High School Band Uniforms
17. Consider School Board Meeting Dates for 2019-2020 School Year
18. Personnel
19. Students
20. Business and Operations
20.A. Report from Facilities Committee
21. Review Preliminary General Operating Budget for FY19-20
22. Consider Approval of 2019-20 Compensation Plan
23. Texas Government Code ยง 551.074 (1) PERSONNEL MATTERS, to Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee including Administrator and Campus Principal.
23.A. Discuss Employment of Teachers and Other Professional Personnel
24. Conduct Mid-Year Formative Evaluation of Superintendent
25. Discussion and Possible Action Items
26. Business and Operations
26.A. Discuss and Consider Establishing Track Hours
26.B. Discuss Possible Options to Benefit the District and Community in Regards to Transportation
27. Consider Approval of Proposed 2019-2020 Tax Rates for Publication of "Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate"
28. Consider Approval of Date and Time for Public Hearing to Discuss Proposed Budget and Tax Rates for 2019-20
29. Discuss and Prioritize Facility Needs
30. Discuss and Consider Soliciting a New Architectural Firm
31. Discuss and Consider Soliciting Support from Elected State and Federal Officials in Regards to the Limited Legal Recourse for Social Media Incident
32. Discussion and Possible Action regarding the renaming of Northside and the formation of a Naming Committee in accordance with Board Policy CW(LOCAL)
33. Consider Approval of Enterprise Fleet Management Agreement - White Fleet Leasing and Maintenance Program
34. Curriculum and Instruction
34.A. Review Board Committee Revision of Board Monitoring Document
35. Review Items
35.A. Business and Operations
36. Curriculum and Instruction
37. Summer School Report
38. Governance
39. Personnel
40. Consider Approval of Personnel Recommendations
41. Governance
42. Business and Support Services
43. First Day of School is August 14, 2019
44. Students
45. Community and Governmental Relations