February 27, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Public Comment
2. Business and Operations
3. Governance
4. Call to Order/Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
5. Recognition
5.A. El Campo High School Cheerleaders
6. The El Campo High School Varsity Cheerleaders made their second annual trip to the UIL State Spirit Competition in Fort Worth to compete for the state title among 4A teams all over the state.
The UIL spirit competition is game-day focused. The cheerleaders are judged more on spirit, motion placement, and synchronization rather than the amount of difficult skills or stunts they have. el Camo was one of only 20 teams to advance from the preliminary round to the finals. The Ricebirds then had to put their final routine together and it consisted of Band Dance, Game Day Situation, Crowd Leading Cheer, and fight Song. This year, the team placed 5th out of 87 teams overall. This is the highest they have ever received. Their total score was 85.25, just 2.9 points behind first place. |
7. Katrese Skinner
8. Consent Agenda
8.A. Goverance
8.A.1. Consider Approval of Renewal of Membership on Walsh-Gallegos Retainer Program
8.A.2. Consider Approval of Northside Center Board Members
8.B. Curriculum and Instruction
9. Consider Approval of Minutes
9.A. January 23, 2018 - Regular Monthly Meeting
10. January 11, 2018 - Special Meeting
11. January 26, 2018 - Special Meeting
12. Consider Approval of 2018-2019 School Calendar
13. Consider Approval of Board Operating Procedures Handbook
14. Business and Support Services
15. Review Budget Assumptions for Development of FY2017-18 General Operating Budget
16. Review of Monthly FInancial Reports
17. Review of Checks Written for the Month of January, 2018
18. Curriculum and Instruction
18.A. BMD- Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness Part A&B
18.B. Report on Campus Discipline Committees
18.C. Consider Approval of Resolution declaring March 6th as March for Education Day
19. Consider New High School Course Offerings
20. BMD- Long-Range Planning Technology Department
21. Attendance Incentive for Fall Semester
22. BMD - Goal 6 Creating a Positive District Culture
23. Discuss School Board Committees
24. Closed Session:
24.A. Texas Government Code §551.074 (1) PERSONNEL MATTERS, to Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee
24.A.1. Discuss Employment of Personnel
24.A.2. Discuss Reassignment of Employees
25. Discuss the Superintendent’s Compensation Plan
26. Discuss Employment of Administrative Personnel
27. Personnel
28. Consider Approval of Personnel Recommendations
29. Superintendent's Report
29.A. Governance
30. Business and Support Services
31. Personnel
32. Curriculum and Instruction
33. Students
34. Community and Governmental Relations
35. Adjournment