February 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Business and Operations
1.A. Consider Authorization to Sell Surplus School Buses
2. Call to Order/Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
3. Public Comment
4. Recognition
5. Middle School UIL Winners
6. Billy Hibbs Safety Award and Annie Ozella Jones Memorial Scholarship
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Business and Support Services
7.B. Curriculum and Instruction
7.B.1. Review of Bilingual / ESL Programs Improvement Plan
7.C. Students
8. Governance
9. Consider Approval of the Minutes
9.A. January 17, 2012 - Regular Meeting
10. Take Necessary Actions to Order 2012 Trustee Election
11. Consider Approval of Legal Retainer with Walsh, Aderson, Gallegos, Green & Trevino
12. Consider Approval of Revisions to EIC (LOCAL), ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, CLASS RANK
13. Monthly Review of Financial Reports
14. Monthly Review of Checks Written for the Month of January, 2012
15. Personnel
16. Review of Dyslexia Program Improvement Plan
17. Discuss Acoustical Treatment of Middle School Gym
18. Curriculum and Instruction
19. Governance
19.A. Discuss Proposed Core Initiatives
19.B. Discuss Plans for 2012 Summer Leadership Institute
19.C. Consider Setting a Date for the Spring Curriculum and Instruction Workshop
20. Consider Approval of a Resolution Regarding the Lower Colorado River Authority's Potentianl Elimination or Curtailment of Release of Water from the Highland Lakes
21. Consider Approval of a Resolution to Suspend Portions of Policy EIE (LOCAL) for the 2011-2012 School Year Only
22. Consider Approval of Interlocal Agreement with the City of El Campo for Hosting Traveling Vietnam Wall Memorial
23. Discuss Policies and Procedures for the STAAR and End-of-Course Exams
24. Discuss the Possibility of Realigning Elementary School Grades
25. Review Graphic of Comprehensive Goals
26. Discuss Securing a Table for the Hispanic Education Project Annual Scholarship Banquet
27. Consider Setting a Date for a Workshop to Develop Superintendent Performance Goals
28. Closed Session:
29. Texas Government Code ยง 551.074 (1) PERSONNEL MATTERS, to Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee
30. The Board Will Deliberate the Employment of Administrative Personnel
31. The Board Will Deliberate the Reassignment of Instructional Personnel
32. Personnel
33. Consider Approval of Recommendation on Administrators Contracts
34. Consider Approval of Recommendation to Reassign PPCD Teacher of Three-Year-Olds from Half-Time to Full-Time
35. Discuss Teacher Advancement Project
36. Discuss Possibility of Creating a New Position for Director of Federal Programs and Compliance
37. Superintendent's Report
37.A. Curriculum and Instruction
37.B. Community and Governmental Relations
37.B.1. Legislative Update
38. Governance
38.A. Preliminary Agenda for Regular Meeting on March 20, 2012
39. Monthly Calendar of Activities and Events
40. District Compliance and Analysis of First Semester Transfers
41. Business and Support Services
41.A. Foundation School Program Funding Report for First Semester
42. Personnel
43. Students
43.A. Monthly SRO Report
44. First Semester Report on Enrollment and Attendance
45. First Semester Report on Student Withdrawals
46. Monthly DAEP Report
47. Adjournment