April 23, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Notice of the time and place of the Lincoln Board of Education meeting was e-mailed to an extensive list of local and regional news media. A mailing list is maintained at the Lincoln Public Schools District Office. A public notice was published in the LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR. |
The next item on our agenda this evening is the annual Public Hearing on the Lincoln Public Schools Student Fees Policy 5520. Before we begin the hearing, I would like to note that staff has recommended no changes to Appendix "1" of the current policy, which can be found as an attachment to agenda item 10.1.1 for this meeting for anyone who wishes to review or comment on them.
I would first ask staff to give a brief report on the amount of money collected and use of waivers for the prior year. For those interested in speaking during this public hearing, the same guidelines apply as to public comment. Speakers should complete the blue contact card and present it to a staff prior to speaking. Speakers have a maximum of three minutes to speak. The Board does not engage in conversation with the speakers, but listens carefully to the comments as part of its collection of information for consideration of agenda items. With that, I hereby open this public hearing before the Board of Education of Lincoln Public Schools. This hearing is being conducted under the provisions of the Nebraska Public Elementary and Secondary Student Fee Authorization Act and other Nebraska laws. The purpose of this hearing is to receive input regarding proposed Policy 5520 and Appendix "1". The input received in this hearing will be taken into consideration by the Board when we take action on proposed Policy 5520 and Appendix "1". Would the first person wishing to speak please come forward now? |
The attached minutes are intended to accurately reflect the action of the Board at its previous meetings.
Explanation The minutes have been prepared for Board approval.
7.1. LPS Equity Cadre Presentation
7.2. FLPS Update
The Board believes public attendance and participation, when appropriate to the business at hand, is beneficial to the work of the Board and models the importance of civic engagement and civil discourse to the community’s children, but it cannot impede the Board from completing the business of the meeting. 2. A time limit of three minutes will be allotted for any speaker unless prior to the beginning of the Public Comment agenda item, the chair sets a different reasonable time frame to be allotted for speakers in order to accommodate the number of persons who have submitted "Record of Appearance" cards. The time limit is per speaker, per meeting and may not be transferred or assigned to other speakers. 3. The chair may endeavor to organize public comment by what agenda items or other issues have been identified as topics by public speakers, adjust for the age of speakers, and/or split the Public Comment agenda item to be conducted in different positions within the Board’s Order of Business. At the discretion of the chair, the speaker may be allotted additional time. Board members may share, address or consider comments from the public during public comment, at the end of public comment or when related business is on the agenda. 4. In order to be called forward to address the Board during Public Comment, each person wishing to speak must obtain a "Record of Appearance" card from staff at the meeting in which they wish to speak. "Record of Appearance" cards are available beginning 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting. Those wishing to speak must accurately complete the required sections of the card, and submit it to the appropriate staff member by 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. 5. Individuals will be called forward to speak by name, organization being represented, if applicable, and address. Each individual speaking to the Board will be required to identify himself or herself prior to giving public comment by stating their first and last name and, if applicable, any organization they represent. 6. In cases where more than one person wishes to speak on the same topic, their presentations to the Board may, at the discretion of the chair, be grouped together by topic. 7. If the number of people wishing to speak under the public comment portions of the agenda is large, the chair may rule that a public hearing be scheduled. 8. Persons speaking to the Board during public comment may make printed materials (paper no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches) available to the Board but may not use any other form of media. Public speakers are asked to provide 10 copies of any copies of printed materials presented to the Board. Persons attending Board meetings and/or speaking to the Board during Public Comment or during a public hearing must follow all requirements established by the Board, as well as all Board, chair and staff directions in order to help maintain the order, proper decorum, safety and security, and the non-disruptive functioning of the Board meeting. These include, but are not limited to the following:
If at any time persons appearing before the Board do not comply with these or any other Board requirements, it shall be the responsibility of the chair to declare that person or persons out of order and require a change in behavior, delay or recess the meeting, or refuse permission to continue to address the Board, and ultimately may require the person or persons to leave the premises of the Board meeting. |
9.1. Human Resources Matters
The Human Resources Division also includes the Office of Risk Management. As such, in addition to the Lincoln Board of Education approving all contractual agreements with employees, all employee benefit issues, all personnel actions, and all other matters within the scope of the Human Resources Division, as part of the Human Resources Matters agenda; the Lincoln Board of Education also must approve the settlement of Workers’ Compensation claims, take action on tort claims filed against the district, and take action on all other matters within the scope of the Office of Risk Management.
Explanation: That the Board is approving the Human Resources items attached with the information as presented or as on file with official district records and documents relating to each such item, or in such other form as may be approved by the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources, or the Associate Superintendent’s designee, and that the Board hereby authorizes the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources, or the Associate Superintendent’s designee, to transact and complete each such item approved hereby, and to sign, execute, and deliver necessary documents or contracts, and to take or cause to be taken any and all other action as may be necessary to complete each such item of transaction as contemplated, for and on behalf of this school district.
9.2. Routine Business
At each meeting, the Board of Education is asked to approve certain items of routine business of the school district.
Explanation The items included in routine business for this meeting are: a. REGULAR CLAIMS - Claims for the period ending April 23, 2024, were previously provided. Federal Tax ACH Deposit of $72,623.55. Procurement Card ACH Transfer of $168,356.80. Child Support ACH Transfer of $436.00. Term Life/Disability ACH Transfer of $185,537.54. Retirement ACH Transfer of $5,781,296.60. Vendor ACH Transfer of $5,743.70. b. PAYROLL FOR RATIFICATION - Payroll for the periods ending April 4 & 15, 2024, in the amount of $270,601.42. c. GIFTS - Approval for the gifts listed on the attached gift report.
d. BIDS/CONTRACTS/OTHER ROUTINE BUSINESS - Bids/contracts/other routine business will be presented for approval for asphalt repairs; overhead doors; equipment; software; staff training; curriculum; items listed for auction; and any other bids/contracts/routine business as presented.
That the Lincoln Board of Education approve the following items of routine business: a. The regular claims for the period ending April 23, 2024. b. Payroll for the periods ending April 4 & 15, 2024.
c. Gifts for The Career Academy, East, Mickle, Prescott, Southwest, and the district.
d. Bids/contracts/other routine business for asphalt repairs; overhead doors; equipment; software; staff training; curriculum; items listed for auction; and any other bids/contracts/routine business as presented.
9.3. Option Enrollment Student Applications for 2024-25
On September 12, 2023, the Board adopted a resolution to accept option enrollment students for the 2024-25 school year. An application for enrollment during the 2024-25 school year have been received and is in compliance with the Board resolution of September 12, 2023.
Explanation: The application included in this agenda item has been examined by staff and meets one of the criteria set forth by the Board in the resolution of September 12, 2023. Staff recommends approval of the application. Proposal: That the Board adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS, the students who have been assigned student numbers 411343, 259599, 462350, 282443 and 267886 (for purposes of confidentiality, assigned numbers are being used) meet one or more of the criteria of the Board resolution of September 12, 2023, with regard to such option students; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the aforementioned students be accepted as option students on the condition and with the express understanding that all programs, all classes and all buildings of assignment, except as otherwise required by law, shall at all times and from time to time during attendance at Lincoln Public Schools be determined solely by Lincoln Public Schools.
*The Lincoln Board of Education is empowered to act on any item listed on the Agenda at any time during the meeting, irrespective of the time or order listed. Pages listed, or further detail, are available upon request. The Open Meetings Act requires and the intention of the Board is that agenda items be sufficiently descriptive to give the public reasonable notice of the matters to be considered at the meeting. The Lincoln Board of Education Board releases its agenda well in advance of most meetings and desires that all interested persons are fully informed. Any interested person who has a question or needs clarification about the sufficiency of a descriptive item should contact the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.
10.1. From Board Committees
10.1.1. Policy 2130 - Educational Equity
Lincoln Public Schools reviews policies on an ongoing basis and updates policies to ensure that they accurately reflect the ever-changing work of the district.
Explanation: The revision to Policy 2130 replaces the Educational Equity Statement with the current language in the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, as approved by the Board of Education on February 27, 2024.
10.1.2. Policy 5520 - Students - Student Fees
The Board of Education of Lincoln Public Schools annually reviews and approves Policy 5520 to ensure that its policy is in accordance with the Public Elementary and Secondary Student Fees Authorization Act.
The district’s general policy is to provide for the free instruction in school in accordance with the Nebraska Constitution and state and federal law. This generally means that the district’s policy is to provide free instruction for courses that are required by state law or regulation and to provide the staff, facility, equipment, and materials necessary for such instruction without charge or fee to the students. The district does provide activities, programs, and services to children that extend beyond the minimum level of constitutionally required free instruction. Students and their parents have historically contributed to the district’s efforts to provide such activities, programs, and services. The district’s general policy is to continue to encourage and to the extent permitted by law, to require such student and parent contributions to enhance the educational program provided by the district. Explanation: No revisions to Policy 5520 are recommended for the 2024-2025 school year. Proposal: That the Board discuss and affirm Policy 5520 and Appendix 1.
10.1.3. 2023-24 Evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools
Annually, the Board of Education evaluates the Superintendent of Schools. The 2023-24 evaluation of Paul Gausman, Superintendent, has been completed and will be recommended for approval to be placed in his personnel file. |
10.2. From the Superintendent
10.2.1. Tuition Charges for 2024-25
Each year, the Business Affairs Office makes recommendations to the Board of Education for tuition charges for regular and special education programs. This is done in accordance with Policy 3300 and Regulation 3300.1.
The following is the recommendation for tuition charges for the 2024-25 school year for the programs noted. The rates are intended to recover the district’s anticipated actual costs for the 2024-25 school year.
2024-25 Rates
Special education tuition rates will be determined using the calculation provided by the Nebraska Department of Education. The rate will include Lincoln Public Schools’ cost per student calculated pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. 79-598(3) plus Lincoln Public Schools’ average cost per student for special education services adjusted upward for students receiving an even more intense program.
That the Board discuss the proposed tuition rates. |
10.2.2. Promoting Engagement and Knowledge (PEaK Project) Grant Application
The NDE Office of Special Education remains committed to supporting districts in improving results for children with disabilities. To meet this purpose, project funding was available annually beginning with the 2018-2019 school year to support implementation and evaluation of Targeted Improvement Plans (TIPs). Budget realignment must be based upon anticipated needs and may not exceed the 2018-19 grant allocation. The PEaK Project funding is supplemental to, and shall not supplant or duplicate, any other funding source(s). Districts who participate in a consortium supported by an ESU must maintain involvement in that consortium for the duration of the project. Upon review, NDE may choose to reallocate funding if it is determined that the grantee is not meeting the assurances and expectations defined within the project. Project funds may not be used to fund (1) compliance monitoring requirements; (2) professional development activities that are not found to be in alignment with PEaK objectives; (3) curricular, intervention, assessment/progress monitoring materials for student use and/or (4) technology for students. These projects are funded with IDEA discretionary dollars for the specific purpose identified. The multi-year project supports will be contingent upon availability of funds.
As part of Nebraska’s Results Driven Accountability (RDA) System, all school districts must participate in an ongoing review of their special education program utilizing the Improving Learning for Children with Disabilities (ILCD) process. Districts utilize the guidance documents and resources available at http://www.education.ne.gov/sped/ilcd.html. The process includes an analysis of district data to study Impact Area data, district infrastructure, and other pertinent district data to identify target areas for improvement. This is followed by identifying measurable results (goals) and coherent improvement strategies that will be the focus for improvement. Next, the district reviews the current infrastructure and capacity to implement, scale-up and sustain evidence-based practice. Finally, based upon strengths and challenges, a comprehensive, multi-year TIP detailing coherent improvement strategies focused on improving results for children with disabilities is created. The PEaK Projects for 2023-24 support Implementation and Evaluation of the Targeted Improvement Plan. PEaK Project activities are intended to assist districts in implementing and evaluating the TIP. This is the last year for PEaK Project funding. The Project funding will be reconsidered and revised for future funding beginning with the 2024-25 school year. Projects should encourage agencies to leverage resources and align efforts to serve students with disabilities through continuous school improvement. Projects should increase the capacity of districts to deeply implement evidence-based practices designed to improve outcomes of students with disabilities. Project activities must address unique district strengths and needs. Applicants will identify the structures and supports necessary to implement and measure progress toward achieving the District TIP. Explanation: If approved, Lincoln Public Schools Special Education Department would apply for the Promoting Engagement and Knowledge (PEaK Project) through the Nebraska Department of Education. The grant will support the implementation of interventions and provide professional learning opportunities for teachers. The target group will be at-risk 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade students performing below grade level. The target teachers will be teachers supporting 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade students across the district. The professional learning will include sessions related to the science of reading, research-based reading interventions, and math instruction that meets the needs of struggling learners. Proposal: That the Board approve the submission of the PEaK Project to the Nebraska Department of Education for approximately $313,028. No district-funding match is required. This grant application is due May 1st, 2024. |
11.1. From Board Committees
11.1.1. Title VI, Indian Education Program
The U.S. Department of Education through Title VI of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides funds to fulfill the federal government’s responsibility to the Indian people for the education of Indian children. These funds support the goal of ensuring programs that serve Indian children are of the highest quality and provide for not only the basic elementary and secondary educational needs, but also the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of these children.
Lincoln Public Schools has received federal funds for services for Native American students since the mid-1980’s. The following table reflects an annual student count and the grant award amount received in recent years. Grant award amounts vary by year according to the total amount of Indian Education funds available at the federal level and are not based only on the number of students per program.
Explanation: Lincoln Public Schools Indian Education program will provide support to Native American students in grades K-12 in the 2024-25 school year. Native American students are enrolled in all schools across the district representing about 60 tribes as designated by the parent. Estimated funding from Title VI for 2024-25 is $191,755, based on the current student count of 713. Decisions regarding the use of these funds are made in consultation with the Native American Advisory Committee. Proposal: That the Board approve the submission of the required application of the Indian Education grant to the U.S. Department of Education for $191,755. No district-funding match is required. This grant application is due May 10, 2024. |
11.1.2. Juvenile Justice Prevention Fund Grant
The Lancaster County Board of Commissioners annually sets aside prevention funding for services to youth at risk of entering or re-entering the juvenile justice system. Approximately $650,000 is set aside for the 2024-25 fiscal year, to be administered through the Lancaster County Human Services Department. Priority for funding is given to programs that serve (1) youth age 17 and under who are or have been involved in our juvenile justice system; (2) youth with high truancy rates, at risk of dropping out of school; (3) homeless youth without structure in their lives to enable them to become productive adults; and (4) youth at risk of being removed from school due to documented behavioral issues.
Explanation: Lincoln Public Schools Student Services Department would like to apply for these very competitive funds to initiate the first step toward a more comprehensive re-entry transition program for youth returning from Lancaster County Youth Services Center. Often, such youth are released from detention and back to home and school with little to no notice, resulting in the student, family and school being ill prepared for this transition and, often, in recidivism. If awarded, LPS would create a School Social Worker position that would help such students and their families to identify and secure needed supports while including and preparing the school as well, so that all parties are better prepared for successful and seamless transition. The LPS Student Support Program, which supports expelled and suspended students with a similarly structured environment and restorative practices, will house the new position and serve as the springboard for students returning from detention before they take the next step back to their home school. Proposal: That the Board approve the submission of an application for a Juvenile Justice Prevention Fund grant to the Lancaster County Human Services Department for approximately $84,000. No district-funding match is required. This grant application is due April 26, 2024. |
11.2. From the Superintendent
11.2.1. 2024-2029 Strategic Plan with Priority Measures
The Board contracted with the District Management Group to frame and guide the process, formed a Strategic Planning Committee to review the work, gathered community input, and formed a strategic plan. The 2024-2029 Strategic Plan framework was approved by the Board at its Regular Meeting on February 27, 2024.
The Board asked the Superintendent to bring forward measures for each priority outlined in the 2024-2029 Strategic Plan by April 2024. The measures are now included and will guide the work of the district for the next five years.
14.1. From Board Committees
14.2. From Special Appointments
14.3. From the Superintendent
14.3.1. Superintendent Update
14.3.2. Monthly Financial Report
At the second Board meeting of the month, information regarding the district’s monthly financial report is presented.
ExplanationThe monthly financial report for the month ending March 31, 2024, is attached. Proposal Information item; no Board action required.
April 25: LPS Learning Lunch, Legislation & Budget, 12:00 p.m., SJDLC
April 28-May 1: Federal Advocacy Fly-in - Washington DC April 30: State of the Schools, 7:30 a.m., Graduate Hotel Participate 2 Graduate Black/African American Scholar & Family Empowerment Celebration, 5:30 p.m., SJDLC May 1: Chamber Coffee, 8:00 a.m., Chamber Office LPS Retirement Celebration, 5:00 p.m., Hillcrest Country Club May 2: Native American Sr. Student Recognition, 5:00 p.m., Indian Center May 6: NAACP African American Honors, 6:00 p.m., Firefighter's Reception Hall May 8: Face the Chamber, 12:00 p.m., Country Club May 9: Asian American/MENA Student Celebration, 6:00 p.m., Clifton Center LEA Retirement Celebration, 5:00 p.m., Havelock Social Hall May 10: Scottish Rite Framing Ceremony, 4:00 p.m., SJDLC May 14: Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m., SJDLC |
The Board believes public attendance and participation, when appropriate to the business at hand, is beneficial to the work of the Board and models the importance of civic engagement and civil discourse to the community’s children, but it cannot impede the Board from completing the business of the meeting. 2. A time limit of three minutes will be allotted for any speaker unless prior to the beginning of the Public Comment agenda item, the chair sets a different reasonable time frame to be allotted for speakers in order to accommodate the number of persons who have submitted "Record of Appearance" cards. The time limit is per speaker, per meeting and may not be transferred or assigned to other speakers. 3. The chair may endeavor to organize public comment by what agenda items or other issues have been identified as topics by public speakers, adjust for the age of speakers, and/or split the Public Comment agenda item to be conducted in different positions within the Board’s Order of Business. At the discretion of the chair, the speaker may be allotted additional time. Board members may share, address or consider comments from the public during public comment, at the end of public comment or when related business is on the agenda. 4. In order to be called forward to address the Board during Public Comment, each person wishing to speak must obtain a "Record of Appearance" card from staff at the meeting in which they wish to speak. "Record of Appearance" cards are available beginning 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting. Those wishing to speak must accurately complete the required sections of the card, and submit it to the appropriate staff member by 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. 5. Individuals will be called forward to speak by name, organization being represented, if applicable, and address. Each individual speaking to the Board will be required to identify himself or herself prior to giving public comment by stating their first and last name and, if applicable, any organization they represent. 6. In cases where more than one person wishes to speak on the same topic, their presentations to the Board may, at the discretion of the chair, be grouped together by topic. 7. If the number of people wishing to speak under the public comment portions of the agenda is large, the chair may rule that a public hearing be scheduled. 8. Persons speaking to the Board during public comment may make printed materials (paper no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches) available to the Board but may not use any other form of media. Public speakers are asked to provide 10 copies of any copies of printed materials presented to the Board. Persons attending Board meetings and/or speaking to the Board during Public Comment or during a public hearing must follow all requirements established by the Board, as well as all Board, chair and staff directions in order to help maintain the order, proper decorum, safety and security, and the non-disruptive functioning of the Board meeting. These include, but are not limited to the following:
If at any time persons appearing before the Board do not comply with these or any other Board requirements, it shall be the responsibility of the chair to declare that person or persons out of order and require a change in behavior, delay or recess the meeting, or refuse permission to continue to address the Board, and ultimately may require the person or persons to leave the premises of the Board meeting. |
The Lincoln Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold a closed session by the affirmative vote of a majority of its voting members if a closed session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. The subject matter and the reason necessitating the closed session are to be identified in the motion to close. Closed sessions may be held for, but shall not be limited to, such the subject matter and the reasons set forth in the Proposal section below.
Explanation |
17.1. Request for Closed Session - Negotiations/Collective Bargaining, Property/Real Estate, Litigation, Security, Criminal Misconduct, Personnel, and Legal Advice Matters
The Lincoln Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold closed sessions. Closed sessions may be held when clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Reasons that meet this standard include but are not limited to: (a) strategy sessions with respect to collective bargaining, real estate matters, pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body; (b) discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices; (c) investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct; (d) evaluation of the job performance of a person when necessary to prevent needless injury to the reputation of a person and if such person has not requested a public meeting; and (e) legal advice.
At this point, it is appropriate for the Board to meet in closed session for one of the stated matters and/or any other permissible closed session matters in compliance with the law. That the Board hold a closed session: 1. For strategy session with respect to negotiations/collective bargaining clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. 2. For strategy session with respect to property/real estate matters clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
3. For strategy session with respect to pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
4. For discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
5. For investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
6. For personnel and the evaluation of job performance clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
7. For discussions of the legal consequences of specific action and legal advice clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. |