January 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Notice of the time and place of the Lincoln Board of Education meeting was e-mailed to an extensive list of local and regional news media. A mailing list is maintained at the Lincoln Public Schools District Office. A public notice was published in the LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR. |
The attached minutes are intended to accurately reflect the action of the Board at its previous meetings.
Explanation The minutes have been prepared for Board approval.
6.1. Employee Recognition for 25 years of Service
The following employees have achieved the goal of 25 years of professional service to the students of Lincoln and Lincoln Public Schools:
Kiran Bahl Terry Berks Jeffrey Bjorkman Jennifer Burklund Jai Burks Krista Carlson Gregory Cooper Lorie Covington Curtis Craig Jennifer Deets Lanette Dunn John Dupont Leslie Eastman Ann Ellenberger Julie Erickson Katherine Fergen Carrie Foster Lori Franke Lenny Gish Genee' Handley Michelle Hansen-Daberkow Julie Hippen Jodie Jantz Melody Jones Carol Jozsa Callie Keller Joy Lange Randy Maly Amy Maschka Gerald McArtor Ruth Molnar Kristin Murphy Van Nguyen Cindy Noel Takako Olson Kimberly Parrott Elizabeth Peters Rebecca Rivers Nadezhda Rybak Lori Schwarting Tracy Smith Tracy Spivey Tina Spomer Dale Strehle Marla Styles Kristen Tangen Benjamin Tegeler Claire Thomas Binh Tran Kristina Triplett Judy Tuttle Susan Van Brocklin Cindy Vodicka Kristy Voigt Dana Wendelin Kristine Wendelin Tracy Wiese Sheryl Woodward Tabatha Zimmerman |
The Board believes public attendance and participation, when appropriate to the business at hand, is beneficial to the work of the Board and models the importance of civic engagement and civil discourse to the community’s children, but it cannot impede the Board from completing the business of the meeting. 2. A time limit of three minutes will be allotted for any speaker unless prior to the beginning of the Public Comment agenda item, the chair sets a different reasonable time frame to be allotted for speakers in order to accommodate the number of persons who have submitted "Record of Appearance" cards. The time limit is per speaker, per meeting and may not be transferred or assigned to other speakers. 3. The chair may endeavor to organize public comment by what agenda items or other issues have been identified as topics by public speakers, adjust for the age of speakers, and/or split the Public Comment agenda item to be conducted in different positions within the Board’s Order of Business. At the discretion of the chair, the speaker may be allotted additional time. Board members may share, address or consider comments from the public during public comment, at the end of public comment or when related business is on the agenda. 4. In order to be called forward to address the Board during Public Comment, each person wishing to speak must obtain a "Record of Appearance" card from staff at the meeting in which they wish to speak. "Record of Appearance" cards are available beginning 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting. Those wishing to speak must accurately complete the required sections of the card, and submit it to the appropriate staff member by 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. 5. Individuals will be called forward to speak by name, organization being represented, if applicable, and address. Each individual speaking to the Board will be required to identify himself or herself prior to giving public comment by stating their first and last name and, if applicable, any organization they represent. 6. In cases where more than one person wishes to speak on the same topic, their presentations to the Board may, at the discretion of the chair, be grouped together by topic. 7. If the number of people wishing to speak under the public comment portions of the agenda is large, the chair may rule that a public hearing be scheduled. 8. Persons speaking to the Board during public comment may make printed materials (paper no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches) available to the Board but may not use any other form of media. Public speakers are asked to provide 10 copies of any copies of printed materials presented to the Board. Persons attending Board meetings and/or speaking to the Board during Public Comment or during a public hearing must follow all requirements established by the Board, as well as all Board, chair and staff directions in order to help maintain the order, proper decorum, safety and security, and the non-disruptive functioning of the Board meeting. These include, but are not limited to the following:
If at any time persons appearing before the Board do not comply with these or any other Board requirements, it shall be the responsibility of the chair to declare that person or persons out of order and require a change in behavior, delay or recess the meeting, or refuse permission to continue to address the Board, and ultimately may require the person or persons to leave the premises of the Board meeting. |
8.1. Human Resources Matters
The Human Resources Division also includes the Office of Risk Management. As such, in addition to the Lincoln Board of Education approving all contractual agreements with employees, all employee benefit issues, all personnel actions, and all other matters within the scope of the Human Resources Division, as part of the Human Resources Matters agenda; the Lincoln Board of Education also must approve the settlement of Workers’ Compensation claims, take action on tort claims filed against the district, and take action on all other matters within the scope of the Office of Risk Management.
Explanation: Proposal: That the Board is approving the Human Resources items attached with the information as presented or as on file with official district records and documents relating to each such item, or in such other form as may be approved by the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources, or the Associate Superintendent’s designee, and that the Board hereby authorizes the Associate Superintendent for Human Resources, or the Associate Superintendent’s designee, to transact and complete each such item approved hereby, and to sign, execute, and deliver necessary documents or contracts, and to take or cause to be taken any and all other action as may be necessary to complete each such item of transaction as contemplated, for and on behalf of this school district.
8.2. Routine Business
At each meeting, the Board of Education is asked to approve certain items of routine business of the school district.
The items included in routine business for this meeting are: a. REGULAR CLAIMS - Claims for the period ending January 24, 2023, were previously provided. Federal Tax ACH Deposit of $772.64. Procurement Card ACH Transfer of $59,604.51. Term Life/Disability ACH Transfer of $176,386.96. Retirement ACH Transfer of $5,550,116.28. Vision Insurance ACH Transfer of $57,315.27. Vendor ACH Transfer of $20,000.00. b. GIFTS - Approval for the gifts listed on the attached gift report. c. BIDS/CONTRACTS/OTHER ROUTINE BUSINESS - Bids/contracts/other routine business will be presented for approval for band uniforms; travel services; CLC services; mental health services; items listed for auction; and any other bids/contracts/routine business as presented.
That the Lincoln Board of Education approve the following items of routine business: a. The regular claims for period ending January 24, 2023. b. Gifts for Everett and Southwest.
c. Bids/contracts/other routine business for band uniforms; travel services; CLC services; mental health services; items listed for auction; and any other bids/contracts/routine business as presented.
8.3. Enrollment of Expelled Student
Lincoln Public Schools regulation 5460.1 and Nebraska state law provides that if a student has been expelled from any public or private school, and the student has not completed the terms or time period of the expulsion, the student shall not be permitted to enroll in this school district until the expulsion period from such other school has expired unless the Lincoln Board of Education approves by a majority vote the enrollment of such student prior to the expiration of the expulsion period. Student number 275369 (for purposes of confidentiality we are using an assigned number) has filed the proper application and has requested enrollment.
Explanation: The Department of Student Services has reviewed the application and the background information on the student and is recommending that the application be approved and that the student be enrolled in the Lincoln Public Schools Expelled Student Program for the remainder of this school year, subject to such terms and conditions as imposed by the Director of Student Services and all program rules and regulations until the term or time period of the original underlying expulsions are completed. Proposal: That the Board approves the application and all recommendations of the Department of Student Services. |
*The Lincoln Board of Education is empowered to act on any item listed on the Agenda at any time during the meeting, irrespective of the time or order listed. Pages listed, or further detail, are available upon request. The Open Meetings Act requires and the intention of the Board is that agenda items be sufficiently descriptive to give the public reasonable notice of the matters to be considered at the meeting. The Lincoln Board of Education Board releases its agenda well in advance of most meetings and desires that all interested persons are fully informed. Any interested person who has a question or needs clarification about the sufficiency of a descriptive item should contact the Office of the Superintendent of Schools.
9.1. From Board Committees
9.2. From the Superintendent
9.2.1. Southwest High School Enhancement Project #10709
Sealed bids were received on January 12, 2023, from interested vendors, to provide renovations at Southwest High School.
It is recommended that award be made to the lowest responsible vendor meeting specifications: Genesis Contracting Group, (Lincoln, Nebraska) $1,024,000.00 There were two other bidders: BIC Construction LLC (Lincoln, Nebraska) $1,079,200.00 Sampson Construction Co., (Lincoln, Nebraska) $1,189,000.00 A complete tabulation is available in the Purchasing Department. This will be a total expenditure of $1,024,000.00 from the 2020 Bond Fund and other appropriate building funds. Proposal
The Board, by approving this agreement with Genesis Contracting Group, is approving the award, the contract documents for this project, and all associated documents related thereto according to the terms and conditions as on file with district records or such other or additional terms and provisions as negotiated and approved by the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or a designee, and the Board is hereby delegating to and authorizing the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or a designee to sign, execute, and deliver the contract documents and all such related documents, make all contract payments, and to take or cause to be taken any and all other action and sign any other documents as may be necessary to complete the transaction, and to administer, operate, and/or implement the contract and all associated documents related thereto on a day-to-day basis during this project as contemplated thereby, for and on behalf of this school district, and hereby designates the Director of Operations, or another person as selected by the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or a designee from time to time as its program administrator under this agreement. |
9.2.2. Culler Middle School Enhancement Project #10690
Sealed bids were received on January 19, 2023, from interested vendors, to provide renovations for the Culler Middle School.
It is recommended that award be made to the lowest responsible vendor meeting specifications: Genesis Contracting Group (Lincoln, Nebraska) $1,298,700.00 There were two other bidders: Sampson Construction (Lincoln, Nebraska) $1,387,000.00 Rogge General Contractors, Inc. (Lincoln, Nebraska) $1,454,000.00 A complete tabulation is available in the Purchasing Department. This will be a total expenditure of $1,298,700.00 from the 2020 Bond Fund and other appropriate building funds. Proposal
The Board, by approving this agreement with Genesis Contracting Group, is approving the award, the contract documents for this project, and all associated documents related thereto according to the terms and conditions as on file with district records or such other or additional terms and provisions as negotiated and approved by the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or a designee, and the Board is hereby delegating to and authorizing the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or a designee to sign, execute, and deliver the contract documents and all such related documents, make all contract payments, and to take or cause to be taken any and all other action and sign any other documents as may be necessary to complete the transaction, and to administer, operate, and/or implement the contract and all associated documents related thereto on a day-to-day basis during this project as contemplated thereby, for and on behalf of this school district, and hereby designates the Director of Operations, or another person as selected by the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or a designee from time to time as its program administrator under this agreement. |
9.2.3. ARP Technology Grant for Early Services Coordination
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) was signed into law on March 11, 2021, offering COVID-19 related targeted IDEA Part C resources to address the challenges faced in ensuring early intervention services for infants/toddlers with disabilities and their families. Additional IDEA Part C funds were allocated to Nebraska’s Co-Lead agencies (Nebraska Department of Education and Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services) to assist in the continuation and provision of early intervention services. The Co-Lead agencies have recently notified us of this additional funding and released the grant application.
Explanation: IDEA Part C ARP funds will be provided to early intervention services coordination agencies for the purchase of needed technology to ensure continuity of service delivery, increase access to digital tools to enhance job performance and support evidence-based practices for improved child/family outcomes, and to ensure services coordination agencies remain prepared to serve all infants/toddlers and their families upon referral. This is a unique opportunity for us to provide new and updated technology for our Early Services Coordination team. It is unknown when or if such an opportunity would be available again. If awarded, this grant requires no match. Awarded funds must be used by June 30, 2023. Proposal: By approving this agenda item, the Board is approving the application submission of the ARP Technology Grant for Early Services Coordination and all the provisions of the agreement; any related Business Associate agreement and any other associated documents or agreements related thereto according to the terms and conditions as presented or such other or additional terms and provisions as may be negotiated and approved by the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or a designee; and the Board is further hereby authorizing the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or a designee to sign, execute, and deliver such documents, and to take or cause to be taken any and all other action and sign any other documents as may be necessary to complete the transaction and implement the same as contemplated thereby, for and on behalf of this School District; and further hereby designates the Director of Early Childhood or another person as selected by the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs or a designee from time to time as its program administrator under this and related agreements. The grant application is due January 31, 2023. |
10.1. From Board Committees
10.1.1. 2022-23 Mid-Year Appraisal of the Superintendent of Schools
One of the most important responsibilities of the Lincoln Board of Education is the evaluation of the Superintendent of Schools. To facilitate the effective and efficient evaluation of the Superintendent, the Board will utilize an annual appraisal timeline except for the first year of employment.
During the first year of employment, the Superintendent will be evaluated twice pursuant to Policy 8350 and Tenure Law 79-828. Explanation: It is recommended that the Board of Education consider and discuss the mid-year appraisal summary for the Superintendent.
10.1.2. East High School, Lincoln High, North Star and Southwest High - School Choice Filing Deadline January 31, 2023
Staff annually monitors enrollment trends in Lincoln Public Schools facilities, as provided in policy and regulation, as to available capacity, impact on educational programs within the building, prior enrollment levels, and anticipated future growth within the building attendance area in order to determine availability for transfer. Explanation |
10.1.3. Resolution for Option Enrollment Students 2023-24
Nebraska students may attend a school other than the one in the district in which they reside under the option enrollment statutes.
Explanation The attached resolution would admit any K-12 option students who meet the statutory and legal conditions and whose application is received by August 4, 2023. The resolution specifies the circumstances under which late-filed applications would be accepted. Proposal That the Board approve the option resolution for the 2023-24 school year.
10.2. From the Superintendent
10.2.1. State 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant Continuation Application
The 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CLCs) federally-funded grant program provides grants to eligible schools for the purpose of creating or expanding Community Learning Centers. The primary purpose of 21st Century funds is to provide students with academic enrichment opportunities designed to complement their regular academic program. All CLC services are provided during non-school hours or periods when school is not in session. The Community Learning Centers’ programs and activities are designed to build on the capacity of community partners and neighborhood schools. Each site is to have an academic focus to assist participating students in meeting state and local academic achievement standards. Families of students served may also receive services in areas that support family literacy, health, other family support services, and childcare. EXPLANATION: This 21st Century CLC grant application is a continuation funding grant for the Everett, Lakeview, and Mickle CLC schools. The identified schools have specific needs which are in line with the goals of the 21st Century grant process and have successfully achieved stated outcomes in the continuation grant award. Community partners that have been identified to serve as the CLC lead agency and to assist in the planning and service provision include: Lincoln Parks and Recreation, Willard Community Center, and the YMCA. These community partners will be essential to the successful delivery of quality after-school opportunities for students. The continuation grant will build on the success these sites have experienced over the past years. Successes have included: 1) consistently serving an average of 321 thirty-plus day students each year and over 750 total students attending after school. 2) Testing data indicates students in after-school programs meet or exceed in reading and math at a higher percentage than non-attending after-school students. 3) The CLC sites and partnering agencies have become more intentional in their alignment of before and after school programs with the school day program. 4) In continuation grant years 15 thru 19, these CLC sites consistently rate Maturing and Excelling on the Statewide Evaluation Tool which evaluates program quality in six domain areas. Core program activities will include homework / academic support, enrichment activities, recreation and leisure, character education and development, and service learning as well as activities to support nutrition and healthy lifestyles. It is projected that approximately 340 students will be impacted by the CLC programs at these three sites. The following program goals will guide the program design and delivery: Goal 1: Improve student learning performance in one or more core academic areas. Goal 2: Increase social benefits and improve behavior. Goal 3: Increase family and community involvement in schools. |
13.1. From Board Committees
13.2. From Special Appointments
13.3. From the Superintendent
13.3.1. Superintendent Update
13.3.2. Monthly Financial Report
At the second Board meeting of the month, information regarding the district’s monthly financial report is presented.
The monthly financial report for the month ending December 31, 2022, is attached. Proposal Information item; no Board action required.
January 25: GNSA Meeting, 9:30 a.m., NASB
January 27: Humann Elementary Blue Ribbon Celebration, 2:30 p.m., Humann Elementary February 1: Chamber Coffee, 8:00 a.m., Chamber Office February 3: Adams Elementary Blue Ribbon Celebration, 2:00 p.m., Adams Elementary February 8: Face the Chamber, 12:00 p.m., Country Club February 14: Board Meeting, 6:00 p.m., SJDLC |
The Board believes public attendance and participation, when appropriate to the business at hand, is beneficial to the work of the Board and models the importance of civic engagement and civil discourse to the community’s children, but it cannot impede the Board from completing the business of the meeting. 2. A time limit of three minutes will be allotted for any speaker unless prior to the beginning of the Public Comment agenda item, the chair sets a different reasonable time frame to be allotted for speakers in order to accommodate the number of persons who have submitted "Record of Appearance" cards. The time limit is per speaker, per meeting and may not be transferred or assigned to other speakers. 3. The chair may endeavor to organize public comment by what agenda items or other issues have been identified as topics by public speakers, adjust for the age of speakers, and/or split the Public Comment agenda item to be conducted in different positions within the Board’s Order of Business. At the discretion of the chair, the speaker may be allotted additional time. Board members may share, address or consider comments from the public during public comment, at the end of public comment or when related business is on the agenda. 4. In order to be called forward to address the Board during Public Comment, each person wishing to speak must obtain a "Record of Appearance" card from staff at the meeting in which they wish to speak. "Record of Appearance" cards are available beginning 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting. Those wishing to speak must accurately complete the required sections of the card, and submit it to the appropriate staff member by 15 minutes after the start of the meeting. 5. Individuals will be called forward to speak by name, organization being represented, if applicable, and address. Each individual speaking to the Board will be required to identify himself or herself prior to giving public comment by stating their first and last name and, if applicable, any organization they represent. 6. In cases where more than one person wishes to speak on the same topic, their presentations to the Board may, at the discretion of the chair, be grouped together by topic. 7. If the number of people wishing to speak under the public comment portions of the agenda is large, the chair may rule that a public hearing be scheduled. 8. Persons speaking to the Board during public comment may make printed materials (paper no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches) available to the Board but may not use any other form of media. Public speakers are asked to provide 10 copies of any copies of printed materials presented to the Board. Persons attending Board meetings and/or speaking to the Board during Public Comment or during a public hearing must follow all requirements established by the Board, as well as all Board, chair and staff directions in order to help maintain the order, proper decorum, safety and security, and the non-disruptive functioning of the Board meeting. These include, but are not limited to the following:
If at any time persons appearing before the Board do not comply with these or any other Board requirements, it shall be the responsibility of the chair to declare that person or persons out of order and require a change in behavior, delay or recess the meeting, or refuse permission to continue to address the Board, and ultimately may require the person or persons to leave the premises of the Board meeting. |
The Lincoln Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold a closed session by the affirmative vote of a majority of its voting members if a closed session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. The subject matter and the reason necessitating the closed session are to be identified in the motion to close. Closed sessions may be held for, but shall not be limited to, such the subject matter and the reasons set forth in the Proposal section below.
Explanation |
16.1. Request for Closed Session - Negotiations/Collective Bargaining, Property/Real Estate, Litigation, Security, Criminal Misconduct, Personnel, and Legal Advice Matters
The Lincoln Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold closed sessions. Closed sessions may be held when clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Reasons that meet this standard include but are not limited to: (a) strategy sessions with respect to collective bargaining, real estate matters, pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body; (b) discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices; (c) investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct; (d) evaluation of the job performance of a person when necessary to prevent needless injury to the reputation of a person and if such person has not requested a public meeting; and (e) legal advice.
At this point, it is appropriate for the Board to meet in closed session for one of the stated matters and/or any other permissible closed session matters in compliance with the law. That the Board hold a closed session: 1. For strategy session with respect to negotiations/collective bargaining clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. 2. For strategy session with respect to property/real estate matters clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
3. For strategy session with respect to pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
4. For discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
5. For investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
6. For personnel and the evaluation of job performance clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
7. For discussions of the legal consequences of specific action and legal advice clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. |