January 10, 2022 at 7:05 PM - DeKalb ISD Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Pledge of Allegiance
Open Forum
Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call
New Business
1. Presentation DeKalb ISD Board Appreciation
Finished Board Appreciation.mp4 |
2. Presentation of DeKalb ISD Football Team Accomplishments
The Board will recognize DeKalb ISD Football Team. - Kyle
3. Presentation of DeKalb ISD Volleyball Team Accomplishments
The Board will recognize DeKalb ISD Volleyball Team. - Paul
4. Presentation of DeKalb ISD Band Accomplishments
The Board will recognize DeKalb ISD Band. - Angie
5. Presentation of DeKalb ISD Agriculture Accomplishments
The Board will recognize DeKalb ISD Agriculture. - Tommy
6. Presentation of Middle School and Lockerroom Floor Plans by HH Architects
The Board will review the HH Architect Floor plans and provide feedback if necessary. No action will be taken.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 899 0202 7521 |
Action Items
The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on this meeting notice) |
1. Consent Adgenda
1.a. Financial Statements / Bills
1.b. Approval of Minutes
2. Information Items
2.a. Superintendent Report
3. Consider and Approve Education Advanced Cardonex Master Scheduling Software
Cardonex is a master scheduling software that will reduce the amount of time that counselors and principals spend on master schedule. Additionally, Education Advanced provides support on identifying what FTE's the district will need next year.
4. Executive Session
The Board was called into Executive session in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Government Code Chapter 551.074 Subchapter D and E.