July 23, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Team of 8 Training
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Establish Quorum
1.B. Announcement that this meeting of the Seguin Independent School District has been duly called and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.043 of the Texas Government Code.
1.C. Pledges to the United States Flag and Texas Flag. Moment of silence.
2. Action Item
2.A. Adopt the Resolution to Select a Construction Delivery Methodology, Adopt Prevailing Wage Rates, Approve a Contract with MUSCO Sports Lighting for the Installation of Athletic Field Lighting at Jim Barnes Middle School (the “Project”), Assign Fund Balance for the Cost of the Project, and Delegate Authority to the Superintendent or His Designee to Take Necessary Actions to Procure Construction Services.
3. Team of 8 Training - Facilitated by a Texas Association of School Board (TASB) Consultant
3.A. Tier 3 Professional Development
4. Adjourn