October 9, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Invocation
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Welcome visitors
4. The Patsy Blazek Nurse Scholarship Fund
5. Adopt agenda
6. Approve minutes of previous meetings
7. Quarterly investment report
8. Discussion of finance reports
9. Consider participation agreement for Texas TERM Governmental Investment Pool
10. EHS and Lummus Intermediate AYP ratings
11. EHS and Lummus Intermediate School Improvement Plans
12. Consider first reading of localized school board policies contained in Policy Update 95
13. Report: TASA/TASB Annual Convention, 2012
14. Superintendent report: District activities
15. Closed session:
15.A. Assignment, reassignment, resignation and employment of personnel
15.B. Review of Board, District and Superintendent goals
16. Adjourn